John Brenne

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since Feb 03, 2011
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Recent posts by John Brenne

I wanted to make sure it was the real deal before I posted a response. I have had three does successfully bred since adding apple cider vinegar to there diet. It worked immediately. I have staggered the breeding about two weeks apart and it has been amazing, even with a first time breeder. Thanks for the help.
12 years ago
I miss spoke. I always but the female in the males cage.
12 years ago
I have a 6.5 gallon tank, not water bottles that water all the rabbits in line, but I can figure something out to get the apple cider vinegar in them. It is an easy enough suggestion to try. I will give it a go in the next couple of days and report back. I have been putting the male in every 3 hours for days with no success.
12 years ago
I don't think it is temp because it is 40F during the day and 27F at night, pretty comfy for a rabbit. I will try ever 3-4 hours and see it that works, thanks for the advise.
12 years ago
I must be the worst rabbit breeder in the world. It started off well, but now no matter what time of day, moon cycle, more or less food, no success. I will place one of the female Florida Whites in his cage, and he will give it 10 good seconds while she is in the corner and could not possibly mount her anyway, and that is it. If I try to reposition her or him he just sits in the corner. I checked his penis and it seems fine, I am at a loss. Anyone have any suggestions? He is a two year old male that has bred successfully for a year for me. I have three does of breeding age, none of which will lift there hind quarters for him in the short time he is interested. I keep a close watch on their weight and fat around the neck, they appear to be in good physical condition. There are full spectrum lights on a 14 hour timer in the shed. Breeding like rabbits does not apply to me anymore.
12 years ago
Now for my questions  grin

I am about to create a second level to my rabbitry and am wondering what you used as the angled, umm.. turd shield I'll call it?
Fiberglass roofing panel.

What is the blue stuff on the top level? Is the top level 3 separate cages? Males?
The blue stuff is plexglass that acts as a piss shield, etc. The top is and bottom are three separate cages, males on bottom.

Also, what did you use to get the water from the PEX to the rabbits, some sort of emitter?
The bottling bucket gravity feeds the water.

Mag drive pump. I will research this. This is the info I really wanted because I want to be able to control the flow. Thank you for the info.
13 years ago
Never been through a winter, but at $13 for 50#'s of feed seems cheap to give them an extra scoop for 5 weeks till they reach 5#'s. There in their own 8*18 shed.
13 years ago
4 degrees average coldest temp, can go down to -40 but rare.
13 years ago
The average low temperature in Jan is 4.3 degrees F, but it can get to -40 degrees F. I have got it set up so I have the kids and I feed the rabbits everyday at 6 and that takes at the most five minutes. I would like to keep the 6 gallon or above approve to reduce any unnecessary labor or time commitment.
13 years ago
I currently have an aquarium heater in a 6 gallon bucket that gravity feeds water through 1/2 pex with heater cable wrapped around it. It will probably work fine to about 10 degrees, but not below that. I am thinking about placing the 6 gallon bucket or larger container on a piece of foam insulation on the ground and having a 250 gallon an hour pump the water up (4 feet) and gravity feed back into the heated water container. Does this sound like a good idea? Can I install a gate valve to control flow? Any feedback would be helpful.
13 years ago