Ru Deana

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since Mar 12, 2011
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Great info! Thanks!
13 years ago
Wow! Lots of posts here!

Check out B vitamins. B12 is especially good for adrenals (adrenal exhaustion may be the root of your problem) and my natural Dr just put my son on them for his headaches, adrenal issues, and insomnia. It's only been a few days, so I can't give feedback. B6 is AMAZING for nightmares. I have 3 sons -8,11, & 17 - and B6 has worked 90% of the time for their nightmares. It's great stuff! Use a good quality, and don't put too much trust into RDA numbers. I use pretty high doses.

Really watch out for any damage you are doing. Do you drink enough water? Do you drink caffeine? Eat fast food? No veggies and lots of white bread & white sugar? Often times, the issue is not so much about what you lack as how you are damaging. Omegas are great for all-round health, as they let cell membranes function right. Trans fats are little globs of death fats. One thing I know; give your body the right resources, and it's healing power is astounding.

You may also try magnesium ( works as a muscle relaxer- too much will give you loose stools tho) and melatonin, which is a sleep hormone. If it's as severe as you are saying, then it's most likely a combination of problems. Load up on it all (within reason!) then try eliminating one thing at a time to see if you need it; that way you'll get the right combo. Magnesium & omegas have some negating effect on each other, according to my Dr, so don't take them together.Good luck!
13 years ago
I agree with Jocelyn- it may be a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium works as a lock & key type system with calcium, and most Americans are deficient. It's a key component in muscle tissues. Green leafies are good sources, but for faster results you can take a supplement. One note on supplements- magnesium is a muscle relaxer. Including intestinal muscles!!! You'll know you're no longer deficient after you take some then have a very loose stool. I take mine with apple cider drink mix- an increased acidity helps absorption. I love Peter Gilham's Calm; has the best price. Been using it for at least a decade. Take your Omegas, too, so your cell walls will work right, and nooooo trans fats.
Good luck!
13 years ago
If you have ANY trans fats in your diet, cut them out! They have the ability to aggravate just about any condition.

Every cell in your body has a membrane around it (phospholipid bilayer) which is 98% fat. There's literally little legs made of fat pointing at each other. Each 'leg' bends a tad- tans fats (aka hydrogenated fats) straighten those legs out. If you interlock your fingers, bent a bit, then straighten them.... you'll see an expansion of the area your fingers cover, and more space between your fingers. Thus you have a bit of a visual on how trans fats cause inflammation (expansion, really). Imagine that expansion multiplied on millions of cells in a group of tissues.

We learned the lesson on trans fats through our son. He has a skin nerve that tends to over communicate. It's called the Meissner's corpuscle. It's for light touch & vibration. Long story short, he felt like he had a 2nd or 3rd degree sunburn, head to toe, from age 2 till nearly 5. Sometimes his nerves would shut off, so he was OK, thus it took awhile to figure it all out. He was handicapped- in so much pain he could not develop mentally. He was bottom 2% cognitive and 20 months delayed at age 4 1/2. We took him off trans fats (I read labels looking for the evil 'hydrogenated' word) and put him onto Omega 3,6,9 - good quality ones. It cured his skin sensitivity- and mine. It's genetic    It takes up to 6 months for the body to slowly pluck the trans fats out of the cell walls- but for us, it takes a single dose of 2 grams (one Pillsbury roll) to trigger pain the next day. Most of my fibro myaligia went away as I eliminated trans fats. We even talk with kitchen managers before sitting in a restaurant and make them check fry oil ingredients on the boxes. If this is your issue also, you do have to be very diligent about it.

I hope I explained it in a way that lets you see how trans fats can damage really any cell- but if it's already weak, it blows the problem into the stratosphere.  The advise another person gave about krill oil makes sense once you know all this- simply give the cell the building blocks it needs, and all too often they will start to function right.

My son is cured by the way- though he still has some anger issues from the trauma. We found that hormones in milk was the final step, and his 3-8 tantrums a day at age 7 are now gone. He is gifted now, after hundreds of hours of working with him. I don't trust the FDA! My son has no medical issues....until he eats poisons in our food. I hope what we learned will help you.
13 years ago
You could add a third type of experiment- break off a tomato branch, dip it into root stimulant, and bury it. I've wanted to try that for some time
13 years ago
Go to if you want information on a similar product. Any vehicle can be turned into a water - gas or water - diesel hybrid. I plan to put a unit into my diesel Jetta next month. The basic idea is that via electrolysis, hydrogen & oxygen are separated, and the hydrogen is introduced into the fuel injector. A few years back, I bought the parts for a home made machine, and found a mechanic who assembled them, and tested them on an old truck. It worked well, and did improve the MPG- but we moved before I got the final number. I've looked into it for years, and have been unable to find any negative feedback on hydrogen generators for increasing fuel efficiency. I'll post how it goes once I get it installed in my car.
13 years ago