Daniel Hatfield

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since Apr 10, 2011
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Recent posts by Daniel Hatfield

Tom OHern wrote:
With that said, I'm in no rush to take a PDC because I've read the books and I feel I have a good grasp on the knowledge already. The only reason I would say there is to take a PDC is if you are planning on going into business offering permaculture design and you need the certificate to prove your credentials. I would like to do that someday, but I'm not there yet so I can wait to take my PDC.

I thought exactly the same as you until I took my PDC. I got so much more out of it than a certificate.
P.S I did my pdc with Geoff.
Looks like it should be good. I signed up for the set.
11 years ago
Probably the best podcast in the history of podcasts (both parts one and two).
Although I get all the podcasts on iTunes, I was trying to grab links to do my duty of spreading the word and the "Permaculture podcast" link on richsoil brought me here???
Hi All,

Ernie and Erica are coming to Australia to do a series of RMH workshops and talks in Autumn 2013
They have locked in 2 workshops at Milkwood Permaculture (Mudgee NSW) but we need more in different areas.
If you are thinking about building a RMH in your place think seriously abut hosting a workshop.
The reality of hosting a workshop is that you can have a RMH installed by the best for very little money.
Here is the link to my article.
Contact me if you want to host a workshop in QLD, Victoria, WA, TAS any where other than Sydney.
12 years ago

I did my PDC there in January and it was a great place to learn. To answer your questions.

What should I pack?
What kind of weather am I looking at?

Here is a link to climate stats for the area http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/cw_058037.shtml
It is subtropical so it will be warm and wet. It will get into the thirties regularly even though it is Autumn. Pack for summer but it may get cool at night so bring long trousers etc. and definitely wet weather gear.

What kind of tent should I get?
A good one that can stand up to high winds and pouring rain. I have seen peoples cheap ones destroyed in one storm

What kind of expenses am I looking at over the 10 weeks and a rough estimate if possible?
Most of the food is included so you just need beer money.

Easiest way to get to the farm from Brisbane?
Train to Lismore and taxi to the farm. They arrange a free bus from Lismore sometimes. You could ask Bonnie to email all the attendees and see if you can get a ride from Brisbane. I took someone up and two people back that way.

Enjoy yourself
12 years ago
Hi All,

I am bringing Ernie and Erica to Australia to do a series of RMH workshops and talks. Here is the link to my article
Please register your interest as a workshop attendee or a host and I will get back to you with more information asap.
12 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:First, here is a good video on hypermilage. This guy has modified his biodiesel truck in a bunch of ways and added habits to get better mileage.

Great video. I personally think that this old technology is the way of the (near) future. If this guy can double his MPG with some home mods, imagine what a mechanic/engineer could do. All the stuff he has done could be automated. For example the cut out switch could be on the gear stick (as he has it) but to re-engage it could be on the accelerator pedal (this would be awesome on an auto). With the exception of hybrids, this guy has got more fuel efficiency from his truck than the motor industry has in the last 10 years.

12 years ago
Helen mentioned in a previous podcast that she killed a bunch on tomato plants in pots because her compost was not ready. How long does compost need to rest/mature to be awesome in pots/seedling mixes etc. or was something else at play in that circumstance?
12 years ago