Kevin Sturgill

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since Apr 28, 2011
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Recent posts by Kevin Sturgill

Valerie Dawnstar wrote:I love the lavender door!
Isn't a 12 foot hole just a bit excessive?
I'd like to see more a'la Joseph Jenkins style. Anyone else using his model?

These guys are in the process of building a Jenkins style model.
12 years ago
Anyone have any experience with pig lice? I just bought 2 feeder pigs for the first time and when I got them home I noticed that they had some type of bug on their skin. Did a little research and concluded that they were pig lice. I was thinking maybe diatomaceous earth but I couldn't find anything on anyone using it for that.
12 years ago
Thanks for your help. Here is a picture I took of my unverified chickweed now in flower.

12 years ago
Can someone verify to some amount of certainty whether or not this is chickweed? I'm pretty sure it is but I wanted to get some verification from others who have experience harvesting it first before I harvested and ate it.

13 years ago
Check out a comment left by Nathan on the post Ethical Deer Harvest He shared some interesting thoughts on road killed deer.
13 years ago
FYE, Ellen Page talks about permaculture and CCD on Bill Maher
13 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

Wilderness Return wrote:Paul,
thank you, this is better, different but better!
Now I can view posts since last visit, and so much more, thanks again

this software is in java. I know java. I might actually tinker with this code base more than the one before.

some of the signatures with links do not seem to be working. is this because the software is written in java
I tried the following polyculture this year and it worked well for me.  Sweet potatoes and bush bean made up the main crops in the polyculture.  The sweet potatoes acted as a living mulch while the bush beans acted as a nitrogen fixer.  Self-seeding volunteers like cleome, garden balsam, and ross moss attracted beneficial pollinators and predators.  I had good yields from both the sweet potatoes and bush beans.  I actually had much higher yields from the sweet potatoes in the polyculture than I had gotten when I had planted them in a bed by themselves in a monoculture.

Here is a link to the original blog post from my site:
13 years ago
What time of year (fall or spring) should groundnuts be planted?  I live in KY zone 6.
13 years ago
You've really been kicking out some really informative and entertaining podcast........keep them coming.  It's pretty cool to get to hear others discuss permaculture, homesteading, etc topics.  There are not a lot of others in my area to have these type of discussions with.  Thanks for all you do.