craig. raupe

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since Sep 12, 2011
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Recent posts by craig. raupe

Thanks for the updates and suggestions...looks like there isn't much benefit with the second weed...guess I will just cut and add to the compost pile.
13 years ago
Here is the bare patch of soil...
13 years ago
I have recently moved to an 8 acre farm about 30 miles SW of Fort Worth, Texas.  The farm recently had a bunch of horses on the property and it looks as if they have completely ruined parts of the soil. 

I have a couple of questions that I was hoping the Permies community could assist with as I am looking to permaculture techniques to bring this farm back to health.

1.  What type of weeds are in the photos listed below...and should I mow them, keep them, mulch them...or just leave them alone?

2. This bare patch of soil was caused by the horses next to a water trough they would spend time would I go about repairing the soil...should I consider a cover crop and if so, what would work best?

13 years ago