Hey Laura Jean,
We received an email, when we got home from your place, from a guy on the island who is willing to help us buy the land... so it is looking more like a go everyday. He is currently in discussions with the current owner (of the fallow forest), and the MNR to see if there are any restrictions on the land. It is habitat, but because of the nature of what we would like to do our plans may not be an issue. We will keep you posted. Turtle Island is not off the table.
One of the big reasons Pelee is our dream location is because of the moderate weather. It has the most heat units, longest growing season and a well established tourist base. If we can manage to get out there, we can grow plants that we only dream of growing here (olives, almonds, pomegranates...).
On a side note, I feel drawn there. The island is never far from my thoughts. I have always wanted to live on an island, and it is so beautiful out there (it's funny the interior of the island actually reminds me of Kent County, while the edges of the island are naturalized, lush and brimming with wildlife... quite the juxtaposition).