If you've purchased something from permies but can't find it on your
My Stuff page (and you're sure the transaction went through successfully) it's possible something like this happened:
You used an email on your purchase that isn't currently registered on your permies account.So when you used that email on your purchase the permies automated system said 'oh hey, you must be new here, here's a new account for your purchase' and an account was created (with that email) where it has safely stored your stuff.
The solution is that we can merge your accounts but we need to first confirm that you are the owner of both accounts. The easiest way to do that is to make 2 posts here:
Post 1: Login to one of your accounts and post here something like this:
'hey, this is xxx, this is one of my accounts - and this is my main permies account that I want to keep'.
Post 2: Logout of your main account and log in to your second account. Then come here and post again:
'Hey, this is xxxx again, this is my other account - and this is my second permies account that I want to discard, but keep all the stuff'. Can you please merge!
The chief monkeys will then perform their magic and do the merge (and maybe a dance at the same time)! And possibly also add your email from account 2 to account 1, so that everything flows smoothly in the future.
Happy days!