Christian McMahon

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since Nov 20, 2011
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Recent posts by Christian McMahon

I just received my oldhamii bamboo. I also have some Giant Bamboo Seeds coming. I remembered back in the 70's having some grow here in Palm Springs. I will see how it goes.
10 years ago
I have been thinking about this topic also. I think the worm solution may be a better one. Anyway it involves sending waste into a worm bin and letting them eat it all. Then when it is getting full switching to another bin and letting the first one sit for a year. Clean it out and switch back. There are a few topics about this here and there. The worms will eat food waste, toilet paper, just about anything that gets there. If your in a colder climate you can insulate their bin with foam housing insulation. I will edit this with links if I find them. I don't see why someone couldn't hook a worm system inline with a septic system as a first processor and let the liquids keep going.
10 years ago
After watching the Geoff Lawton video showing earthworks. I have been thinking about earthworks on the cheep. I expect these excavators must use a lot of fuel. I found a source to get an excavators used. The shipping isn't as bad as you may think if your comparing to renting a machine or hiring a driver. Now the fuel issue needs to be solved. The three fuels I am thinking about on the farm are alcohol, biodiesel, and wood gas. I expect biodiesel would make the most sense but take the longest to accumulate. Wood gas would have some issues with the burner not always being level. I don't know if the fuel lines in a excavator could even use alcohol. Would wood gas even provide enough power?
10 years ago
It looks like for every step on a farm there is a giant machine ready to roll.
11 years ago
Hey fellow Permies. I would like to start this post off saying I get nothing from this charity link. Agricultural Simulator 2013 on sale for $4.00. I am not sure if anything useful can be learned from this simulation. It may even give bad information (modern farming tech) so be aware of that. I bought it to see if a Permaculture design could succeed in the simulator. It will be on sale for another twenty three days.

Agricultural Simulator 2013
11 years ago

Alan Mikoleit wrote:I am making my own fully enclosed 3 wheel electric assist velomobile. It will be front wheel drive. The foam shell for the body is ready to fiberglass. The name will be Star-Tryk. Alan

Please make it open source (creative commons) we need more open source projects. It would also be a good way to attract help from people on the internet.
11 years ago
Thanks for the link. I like that these start in the evening so I can watch them all.
11 years ago
I would suggest perusing a land patent assuming you own the land. There is a lot of information on the internet about titles. I am not sure if the state courts will uphold them. A prudent man would never accept anything less. However be aware if you ever move you will have to knock down the buildings you put up. You might be putting yourself at liability otherwise. Once I get a land patent I doubt I will ever move again.
11 years ago
Spain has already taken action on this issue. It isn't good action either.
11 years ago
I ran across this webpage on Facebook. Tadelakt Instructions It has some good information on it.
11 years ago