we have a 7 x3 concreate hut in our woods, that we would like to extend. i dont want to knock it down and start again as we use it all the time and it seems waistful, when theres nothing wrong with it. we want to extend out the back of the hut into the hill side. we have dug out the area and its been sitting like that all summer. we cant decide on the best meathod to use. bri (my partner) favors a more conventional concreat pad, block walls and lots of damp proof course. surely there must be a better way than that. i was looking at ben laws woodland house and thinking about stones piles then a timber frame off the piles, then to make a new roof over the whole lot, old and new in turf. single stories and using sedum for rthe roof, to keep the weight down.
someone else suggested rammed earth tires as in earthships and a suspened floor off those, iv never worked with tires before though, so am nervous.
we have plenty of trees onsite we could use for a frame, which is why i thought timber but how would it cope with the damp of being semi buried?
if i did use tires what render? and do you render the exterior and then back fill or build right up to the earth and render the interior?
if i left a gap between the earth bank an the timber could i use certain plants to stop the earth collapsing down the bank, if so which ones?
any suggestions gratefully recieved,