Link for the dome house
12614 Alder Mashell Rd E, Eatonville 98328
Dave that property you're trying for is beautiful, I hope you get it! Good Luck! ha, I know what you mean about those curmudgeonly old forest farts...he is seeing what you're made of, stand strong, be respectful, don't suck up ha. It's a tricky dance but once you're "in" you are IN. A bottle of his favorite poison along with your next offer is a nice tip of the hat too ha.
Thanks for the info, if you end up in the area it would be cool to see what you do!
I am looking for something with a small cabin, small acreage within larger forest, enough sunny spot for a garden for myself, plus chickens. Cool neighbors of like mind def a plus--ie no McMansions. Close to water(stream) cool.
I tihnk that dome house could be a steal, it has to be cash, don't have cash liquid right now. or maybe it will still be there when it is ha!