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Trish Seal

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since Apr 08, 2012
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Northern British Columbia, Canada
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Oh yes, and I make medicinal oils for various uses. Dry plant as quickly as possible without heat to maintain medicinal quality, then infuse in oil for up to 1yr then filter and store in glass bottle for use. I do large batches.
12 years ago
I use Yarrow for pain; it works as an analgesic actually making the skin and area numb. It stems blood flow - if I put my Yarrow oil on my abdomen during menstruation it will cease my period within 1-2hrs and elliminate all cramps and lower back pain when applied to back also.

You may use all parts of the plant, leaving at least 1/3 of your private growth to reseed for following year. If collecting it in the wild - do not take more than 1/10 of what you see. Wild seed can be easily collected off of dry seed heads and scattered at home where you want it to grow. Then it will re-seed itself yearly and increase it's yield in your own yard.

Caution: do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Use caution when collecting it; wear gloves especially if you are using knife to cut it down or dig it up - you may cut your skin and not feel it.

Drink as tea to calm...also helps stomach problems, apply to a cut to stop bleeding as well. Roots are very strong for use as well (taste peppery) will also aid gastric problems.

Always use caution when using any plants for the first time, everyone responds or reacts differently and there may be allergies present. Start with small exposure to say...wrist area. Check for 24 hrs. If ingesting - do your own research and make sure it is the right thing for you. Start small with weak concoction, then slowly increase as you are assured it is safe for you to do so. My experience with Yarrow is that is is faily non-reactive but as stated: everyone is different.

It is a beautiful and useful plant, enjoy and should be a staple of every natural first aid kit. I hope this helps. T.
12 years ago
These are what are sold as "soap-nuts" and can be found in any local health (food) store and are easily researched online. Here is a link:
I have used them and find that they work well for most clothes except if you have a man whose clothes are covered in black motor vehicle grease - not so good then.
I really like it best for my own clothes (especially delicates). Use the little bag to hold them or you will have little bits of husk all over your clothes and that wouldn't work so great
for say, a sweater or towel or something. Make sure that you dry your clothes immediatley and thouroughly or you might get the mold smell, since it IS totally natural there are no
chemicals in it that prohibit mold growth - you will notice this if you don't dry your stuff immediately and well. Otherwise, have fun; you can boil them up for dish-soap,
bathroom cleaner, and I hear even shampoo. Use essential oils for a nice scent?
12 years ago
Prince Rupert, BC is about the cheapest around, it is also the rain capital of the world so forget any type of solar power, thermal mass heat, etc. etc. etc. Everything is so wet all the time, it molds. Gran Isle is a bit better but very remote...winter 9 months of the year....Kitimat - no rural land, only little postage stamp lots etc. Terrace is up and coming - you can get a house for $60 000 and land is reasonable - same for long winter though....wet and cold with little sun. That said, wood is free and a woodstove feels great after coming in from snowblowing the driveway every 4-6 hours so we aren't stuck. On the bright side...we love it here. Good Luck.
12 years ago
I know it has been awhile since you put this query out but I thought I would see if you are still looking for wild crafted medicinal plants. I live in Northern BC and I wild harvest Yarrow, Devil's club, Uva Ursi (Bear Berry),and others. I harvest ethically with traditional knowledge of "right" taking. Harvesting season is upon me - are you interested? If so, please message me. I do not harvest in large quantities, my harvest is done in appropriate season and due to our Northern location the "medicinal" qualities are VERY potent.
12 years ago