I was reading "Cottage Economy" and read that he would feed the chickens the curds and the pigs the whey. It doesn't say how he went about it though, something I notice with a lot of these books, they tell you what you can do but not how to do it, at least in usable detail. Anyway, do I have to put every days milk on the stove and make "farmer cheese"? I would rather not have to use that much electricity every day. Can I just let it sit in a bucket and have different buckets for every day or can I pure it into a 35 gallon barrel everyday and skim out the curds that form? Is there a book out there that tells you how, in detail, to process milk into different things? When I raise chickens in my Salatin style tractor this spring I would like to use the curds as my protein source instead of having to buy meat and bone meal. Thank you for your input.