Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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P.J. Keating

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since Oct 28, 2012
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I have used Diatomaceous earth and it doesn't seem to bother the ants in my hoop house bench any suggestions?They seem to be nesting inside the bench, bringing the sand out one grain at a time.
12 years ago
It seams that the RMH i have seen all get combustion air from inside the desired heating area. I have a freestanding wood fireplace that gets it's combustion air from outside the desired heated space. Has anyone designed a RMH that will get combustion air from outside the house, shop, greenhouse that it is trying to heat? it seems that there might be a lot of heated air going up the "chimney" so to speak and maybe outside combustion air might be more efficient? I have not made a RMH but would like to put one in a hoophouse in central N.C. for next winter and was wondering if it would be worthwhile to spend time on the combustion air issue?
12 years ago