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Andrew Shaw

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since Jan 30, 2013
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S Bengi wrote:After reading the article that you linked to, I found out that they where not adding new members to a group. They where "firing" half the group, because they did "bad" in an activity and replacing half the group with new people. At which point the old member that are still left are all worried that they will be the next one to get "fired".

12 years ago
The second article* proves this based on an experiment and groups of 4.

It goes on to prove that distrust does not increase if the groups are larger. Or at least distrust increases much slower the larger the group grows.

Furthermore it explains how proper management and awareness of this theory can mitigate distrust and promote organization.

*You Can’t Put Old Wine in New Bottles: The Effect of Newcomers on Coordination in Groups
12 years ago