Damien Jehaes

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since Feb 27, 2013
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Recent posts by Damien Jehaes

Hello Erica,

Thanks for all these helpful information. I'm, during a few month, very busy for my work so I'll work back on it at the end of this summer.
But I've in my possession a small machine to measure t°C, CO, O² and CO² levels. So if you know someone around may place ( Belgium) which would have made one of your models I would be please to make you some first measures

So let me know.



11 years ago
Hi Wyomiles,

Thanks for the links. I've been reading and watching a lot more about it tonight.

I would need more information to be able to make a small testing model.

I'm looking for detailed like the length of the exhaust pipe, the measure of the burning chamber or of the space between it and the top of the barrel.

But as I want to adapt it for hot water heating, I think that I need more general info than a building plan for one specific model.
The "fire science" post of Erika Wisner is very instructive.
The "fire science" dvd of "wood burning stoves 2.0" should probably be very complete (they talking about math ) but it's only coming out later this year.

As I understand, the burning chamber should be left a the higher temperature possible (in order to burn all the gas left).
The water exchanger should be out of the exhaust gas, to prevent corrosion.

Here a splendid drawing of a first idea. In blue the water exchanger. Red the mass in the combustion chamber. Yellow insulation.

What I would need are :

- General infos about the measure of a RMH
Do you know if I could find this in the book (rocket mass heater) sold on Erika & Ernie site, or in one of their building plan, or any where else ?

- Infos about the differents temperatures along a RMH system. From combustion chamber to exhaust pipe.
I suppose I've to take a lot of the heat but not to much to prevent disturbing the draft.

A first thing I could share about the problem of boiling water. I use two things :

- one good "pressure valve" which would open at 2.5 bars. It would prevent any explosion of the system but not boiling water (which could damage the RMH just by movement and high dilatation of the exchanger pipes)

- one double (for security) "temperature valve", this one open when the temperature of the exchanger goes up to 95°C (water boil at a bit more than 105°C at 1.5 bars pressure)
at the entrance of the exchanger is a "pressure valve" which let cold water flow through if the pressure goes under 1.00 bars.
So, if you have a problem with the system (electrical failure of the pomp, to much heat in the RMH when your buffer tank is already very hot) the "temperature valve open" and release hot water (outside) : the pressure drop.
When under 1.00, the second pressure valve let cold water come in the exchanger and cold it.

I've been experienced this home once and at my clients (6 times) and it works perfectly. Even if it is quite impressive.... imagine a 250kg boiler starting to boil...just a bit.

Finally, do you know if any one as already make measure of the quality of the air at the exit of the exhaust pipe ( temperature, CO measure, CO2 measure, O2 measure, NOX measure) ?


12 years ago
Hello !

I'm new here. I discovered your wonderful forums about permaculture and RMH today. It's impressive and very cool.

I'm from Belgium (Brussel, Europe), so excuse my poor english.

I'm working in central heating : hot water distribution, under light pression (1.5bars), into radiators or ground heating (pipes in the ground).
The water is usually heated in a boiler, with gas or fuel. Lately we've started to use wood boiler.

Like this scheme http://www.maison.com/upload/cm/adm/Image/construction/chauffage/schema-combi.png

I think I've understood you don't like very much the idea of warming water with the RMH. But due to my little experience with wood boiler and to the wonderful efficiency of your RMH I can't resist to have a closer look and see what is possible.

My questions are these :

- I'd like to get more technical datas about the RMH, do I have to wait for the 4 DVD (coming in June or later), is there anything else I could get ?

- Have you any idea of the exhaust gas temperature along the system (in the chamber, along the exhaust pipe in the mass, at the output) ?

- Could the mass be reduced and replaced by water pipes (which would heat a 1000L buffer tank) without decreasing the efficiency of the RMH ?

- Could the exhaust pipe of the RMH be placed on a existing chimney or the draft would be to high and would disturb the RMH combustion ?

thanks for your sharing,


PS : to the moderator... Sorry I've put the topic in the wrong forum
12 years ago