Rocket Mass Heater Manual
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

Debbi Cornell

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since May 05, 2013
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Recent posts by Debbi Cornell

Still looking for like-minded people who want to learn straw-bale, earth bag, rocket mass heater and permaculture in June - July. Just created a FB page Eco healthy living to watch the progress. Please give a weeks notice. Also understand we are off the grid and no cell phone reception.
11 years ago
Have you always wanted to learn how to build a straw bale home. Come experiment and learn with us this summer. Bring a tent and we will feed you. There is a clubhouse close by where you can shower, wash clothes and swim in the pool. Lots of sun. Join like-minded folks to learn, laugh and get a tan. learn more at!construction-journal/c158s or email Please note after June 1st I will not be able to reply due to no cell reception in the area.
11 years ago