Very simple, reasonable solutions for bed bugs. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!!!
a. FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth. READ UP ON IT FOR YOURSELF FIRST. (LEGAL DISCLAIMER). Yes, wear a mask, but the amount you dust with is miniscule. It kills by cutting their shells and dehydrating them. It is effective as long as it is there. Meaning if you vacuum it up you must replace it. Benign, except for breathing a LOT in. You can de-worm your pets, livestock (intestinal worms only), yourself, etc. Safe for kids, pets, everything except bugs. Good against cockroaches and also ecto-parasites. Be aware that you don't want to use swimming pool DE because it has been altered and is carcinogenic. FOOD GRADE IS GOOD, SWIMMING POOL VERSION IS BAD!!! Is often available at animal feed stores. Very cheap. I have found this product, with permithrin mixed in, at Ace Hardware.
b. natural repellent spray. 1% peppermint oil, 1% clove oil. 98% water. Fragrant. Perhaps use around the room more so than on mattress.? Great for travel since you don't really control hotel hygiene and it might be enough to keep them away from you for the duration of your visit. Thoroughly wash clothes at home BEFORE putting back into storage. Also, de-bug suitcases, etc with the rubbing alcohol. See item 'd.' below.
c. mattress cover. Go to WalMart/chain stores. Look for mattress liners intended for incontinent people. Cheap effective barrier between bugs and mattress.
d. high octane rubbing alcohol. CHEAP/DANGEROUS (FIRE). This you must use CAUTION with. Don't be smoking the big cigar while applying. Is very flammable. However, if you are careful and spray down your mattress it kills eggs. It evaporates quickly but until it does treat it like it will burn your house down if used incorrectly. Last resort since the others work so well.
If you are battling them, understand that they can survive for a LOONNNGGG TIME. Figure at least a half-year of constant corrective procedures after the last bite/sighting/bug.
I lived in a place that was rampant with bed bugs. It was a life-changing event.
Other words of advice. If you discover bed bugs in/on your bed DO NOT DRAG THE MATTRESS THROUGH THE HOUSE!!! Think about how you move stuff. If you have bedding, put it in a bag or some sort of sealable container before moving it. This is hard to do, as you really really will want to 'get rid of them', but dragging them around through your house is the worst option!
Good luck and stay vigilant! If you have ever had these nasty little visitors you'll understand what I'm talking about.
As for the heating/freezing options they work very well. However, they require a lot of energy (okay, freezing a house in Alaska is free for half the year, but what about your pipes/etc.). Get DE and be HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY.