Chai Nelson

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since Jul 09, 2013
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Recent posts by Chai Nelson

We have lots of willow and pine, crazy blackberry bush that is growing like weed at our area.
8 years ago
Love bamboo! How do you keep from being invasive? I like to make a variety of different plants to keep polyculture going!
8 years ago
I am looking for some fast growing evergreen tree to grow by the fence for some privacy and blocking off some wild life jumping into our food forest zone. Will grow shrub hedge vine and ground cover to make it foresty layering too.

What would you suggest for Lytle Creek, CA. Zone: 8b 9a we are by the national forest and near creek, snow 1-2 day each year

8 years ago
We want to get a California ling snake to deter rattles or eat rattles in our property, but how do I keep them on our land?
8 years ago
Anyone heard of igatructure?
Are they truly sustinable?
Does this really fit into the permies concept?
We are thinking of building a home for our family.
Our first choice is off course the earthbag dome or strawbale, but we find it so difficult to permit those structures in Southern California, and also impossible to finance to build or in the future there is no chance for someone to finance and buy from us.
Now we are looking into a small house plan using the igs, anyone have any experience or tip or idea? Thank!
8 years ago
I can see this a perfect shelter for homeless! Cheap to move around and get job too! Perfect starter !
8 years ago
Great idea thanks! We are in California rattle country, lots of them are coming out just about two weeks ago!
8 years ago
We have a nice big deck and on top of it sits a beautiful lotus bell tent! The deck has about 3 feet underneath! And we are wondering what is best to grow or do to prevent snake from going under there? Right now there are gravel and some weeds that are just hard to get rid off, unless we send our toddlers to go under and deweed with the toy hoe, but no way we take that risk! Any ideas?
8 years ago
We are still looking for permaculture people at Temecula to help complete more projects! Do you have any connection to people at our area?
So far so good with all the project we are doing. We didn't get trouble from growing non-lawn style front yard, we just keep all he herbs low and from far it looks like green lawn ( dark green though ) and it smells delight! The neighbors are actually showing interest in our projects and would love to do the same. We save a big amount of water and water bills. And it is a lot more easy maintenance than lawn, not much mowing and peppermint fights the weeds because it's as aggressive! The rest of the projects are mostly in the backyard, so so far so good! We just need more hands to complete and continue more ideas to implement!
I have heard about the pain of dealing with the code house, we are aware and trying to give them the "look" they want, but hopefully the way of doing things can get creative as the way we like.
9 years ago
We have been working on turning our traditional lawn front yard and back yard into pernaculture garden! And now, we are looking for help to hire to continue and perfect our projects! Please refer if you know someone who maybe interested!

We have gotten rid of all the lawn and turn it into mix low growing herbs! No more sprinkler in the case woohoo!
We used cardboard to control the weeds, and doing the no till method with organic compost!
Our back yard has lots of fruit tree and wild flowers growing together!

Please leave information if you or know someone who might be interested! Hopefully this will help bring pernaculture in the urban house!
9 years ago