Linda Myers

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since Nov 06, 2013
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Tonasket, WA
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Recent posts by Linda Myers

Mick Fisch wrote:

.... Garage sales!!!

This is such a lower income area that people really do hang on to anything that is good! There are sales going on and this summer (we were building last summer) I hope to be able to stop at more when I am in town.
8 years ago
Last May we moved to very North central WA State. In our little tiny town there are a couple of thrift shops but not what I was used to in the PNW. I have bought used from the time I married at 18, 45 years ago. If I wanted it, it was going to have to be inexpensive. Well, now, a year into our 'homesteading" my jeans and shoes are wearing out, the local thrift stores are high priced (if they have my size) and I really don't want to have to drive 50 miles one way to Wally World (in another small town) to buy something cheaply made. Sigh. Ok, rant over
8 years ago
As a kid I used to go morel picking in SW MI. We moved to WA ST and continued to find them although in smaller quantities. About 12 years ago DS and DDIL were visiting us where we were located on 68 acres with lots of woodlands in the Puget Sound area of WA ST. They went for a walk, came back for some paper bags, returned about an hour and a half later with 3 of the large grocery bags full. I thought we would never finish cleaning them, but boy were they good. I think that was the last time I had them
9 years ago
Please do updates as you have something. We also don't have "dirt" on our land so anything we can add will be good!
10 years ago
We, 8 of us (mostly female adults), will be building 3 or 4 small dwellings this summer totally off grid on 40 acres. We were at the property a lot this past summer doing prep work. The only building there when we bought was an outhouse, bucket style. It got used during the day and each tent had it's own bucket n sawdust for the gals (guys just peed at the nearest tree).

First up this spring will be bathhouse/toilet areas, 2 of those as there is some distance between the 2 main building sites. Also outdoor kitchens which will transition later into summer cook areas. We have built a 7 x 7 shed around the well head for the generator and for tool storage.

Anyone visiting while we were there didn't have a lot of bathroom choice. We did make a composting bin to dump buckets in and will continue that.
10 years ago

Dale Hodgins wrote:I bought a number of Phillips 10.5 watt led bulbs.

They cast light which is very similar to incandescent. They are in a very durable hard plastic case. This is important for me, since some will be taken to jobsites.

I tried them out in my PowerPack, along with many small appliances and electronics. Everything worked well.

In December I bought 28 of these from Lowes, (not the closest one it was selective) for $1.98 each! We will be moving out to our property in North Central Washington State in a couple of months and we will be waaay off grid. Every little bit helps. And, no, I won't be using all 28, I was sharing the wealth, lol.

We are using them now and really like them!
10 years ago

Lance Day wrote:

Linda Myers wrote:

Lance Day wrote:Bought the draft on Scubbly to start reading now..........

I am probably being dense, but I can't find it on Scubbly...

Hi Linda;
Here's the link I used:

Thanks, Lance, got it.
10 years ago

Lance Day wrote:Bought the draft on Scubbly to start reading now..........

I am probably being dense, but I can't find it on Scubbly...
10 years ago

Satamax Antone wrote:Build the core out of refractory material, would it be brick, splits, clay flues with chamotte, or else. Don't use metal in there, metal is doomed.

When i talk about the "core" it's the J tube; feed tube, burn tunel and heat riser.

Thanks for you input.
10 years ago