Rafael Finkbeiner

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since Dec 04, 2013
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Recent posts by Rafael Finkbeiner

hi there,

soon ill be in peru, in an area in the north close to the city piura.
the latitude is 5 degrees in the south hemisphere.
the altitude is 1500.
the temps are between 15 to 30 celsius.
you have a lot of rain and fog but also a dry month with a lot of sun.
its a subtropical climate.

i want to help in this property to create a food forest, a permaculture project.
my question is what can you suggest me else than the nativ plants, what else could i integrate there?
from fruit trees to leguminos trees, to shrub plants, medicinal plants and so on.

every suggestion i will be very thankfull.
11 years ago
Jennifer, thank you for your information you shared with me and you keep on sharing via the private messages.
11 years ago
Hello every one,

i have a question for those who have an opinion or did the course itself!
how was it and what do you think about it?
is it worth to attend a permaculture course by lawton or there are other choices that you rather recommend?

best wishes,
11 years ago