Steven Barber

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since Apr 06, 2014
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Recent posts by Steven Barber

Thank you for your reply. I have thought a lot about what actually flows through our drains and into the greywater tanks. Too many chemcals...What I have actually done is set up three tanks for greywater to filter through. I dug a trench big enough to connect two "pigs" to the system. By the time the overflow water gets out to the third tank would it be more usable?
From reading your posts, if I plant Comfrey between the greywater tanks and the garden space, would that clean up the drain water enough to be useable for edible plants?
9 years ago
I have seperated my septic black water tank from my grey water tank. Does that make it any safer to use greywater in veggie gardens? Also, would grey water work safely if used for watering trees?
9 years ago
I know its expensive-but has anyone had good results with electric fencing?
9 years ago
Thanks for your reply John. I am focused mostly on the fruit and nuts. Edible for people but not attractive to deer.
10 years ago
I am in the beginning stages of starting a food forest. In your experience, are there any fruit or nut trees that deer avoid? Also, I live on 5 acres in zone 5. What are the best-cold hardy-trees to plant?
Thanks, Steve
10 years ago