Diana Wilson

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since Dec 18, 2014
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Recent posts by Diana Wilson

I'm living in CZ and have a natural house in progress and intentional community in the long run *maybe*... so it's interesting but for now would need help with planning what can go where and possible layout advice... or other things to fill in the 'potential'... a list of all the good intentions I have are here too >> dowhatyoulove.0id.org
10 years ago
Hi, thought I'd say 'same here kinda' - with experience mainly being probably much less.
So for now it's just a post incase any one was looking for a place to stay over / visit / look at the house being built and other 'togetherness' intentions and plans I have!...

all listed at: dowhatyoulove.0id.org
10 years ago
Hello there,

Czech Republic > Natural House Build [look/visit/stay]

Pictures on this non commercial / non-profit site

Longer detailed version follow.... (worth it, worthwhile things)

My optimism leads me to believe we can pass the limitations of email/text and do what we love to do instead. Building and using natural material in nature!
But it's hard. I've written something longer, because short doesn't always work for these things. I did re-write a few times to value your time, enjoy

Please accept this introduction or invitation to my natural house which is already in good progress and also see what other sub-activities can be here for you in 2015 - for free!

Also use any of this information an excuse to contact and share whatever you hold close personal to your heart and soul so even if you don't make it here, because you can help from there to provide the fertile ground for others to grow on...

I'm using the phrase 'do what you love' and my site and place to visit is called that too ---> dowhatyoulove.0id.org
I believe in this phrase particularly because I see as workable solution for everyone (any time, any place, and has many more benefits from people working/playing and living in this way...). And benefits are short-term, long-term, directly and indirectly...

I will continue to build here in CZ a natural house and organise some more visits and activities in 2015... For you, please pick a month for a day visit or a day overnight (free). It's 40km from Brno or 2 buses. In CZ they have a lot of a respect/value for natural things. They haven't thrown themselves in too far learnt or been pushed into the unnatural ways of thinking and doing. Slowly but surely.

Please click around some of the subjects I've listed on my website and occasionally use the search to see what might help you.

I'm personally trying to dedicate myself to other people at the same time as myself, which seems hard because of the way people have taken advantage of fear and the words like free and natural. It can be quite hard to share some time, give some thing to another person in modern day, as most things 'free' are *not*- they simply were financially free but took something or some human values from somewhere else and were paid for somewhere else in the chain! So I hope we as a people can taken any apprehension and work on it to see the reality by being clear and sincere.

With all this in mind, please find your Happy New Year, and if you need some advice, just email: nowisthe time a.t riseup.net

dowhatyoulove.0id.org - activities and picture of the natural round house
non-corporate, ..no monetary advertising... sincerity...

...To create and do what you like and love... that is my basic idea, AND practice of the site also should you wish for 2015...

Warm hugs, 40km from Brno [bring a friend if you like... even just to watch!]
10 years ago