Jason Battaglia

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since Dec 30, 2014
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Recent posts by Jason Battaglia

Hello all. I am in the process of returning to a cabin that was dried in a few years back and has been waiting for me to finish. I am planning on using a stack of 1x rough sawn boards for interior siding that I have on hand. Due to a lack of funds and creativity, I used run of the mill paper faced fiberglass batts that were leftovers from a neighbor's project. Do any of you have suggestions on what material I can use as a backing to hide the insulation and potentially block fiberglass fibers from becoming airborne? My though is that it wouldn't be the most pleasant to have exposed insulation when the boards shrink. I've thought about jute fabric in bulk rolls, biodegradable landscape fabric and craft paper. What do you think? Thanks!
6 years ago

Thanks for responding. To clarify what I stated in the original post, we are making our land and house available for a long-term stay. The exact terms will be worked out with the individual(s) who desire to live here. We are not paying a salary.
10 years ago
We need to move for an extended period of time to live with our aging family. What we are looking for is an individual, couple or family for a long-term house/homesteading arrangement. To make it clear from the start, we are not interested in selling our land. Instead, upon our return, we are willing to explore cohabitation possibilities. Our land consists of 11 off-grid acres (no electric or running water) in Western NC, about an hour from Asheville. There is a partially finished small cabin, woodshed, and outhouse. There is a spring setup that runs about 10 months out of the year and can likely be improved. A creek also runs through the property. There is an established garden space and plenty of room to expand.

Let's talk about what we can work out.
10 years ago
Summer's Family,

We are moving back to my wife's family farm to help her parents. Our off-grid homestead in western Nc needs a long-term caregiver. It would be great if an arrangement like this benefits you.
10 years ago

We live in your area and know some folks in the county who are also experimenting with earth bags. Let me know if you want to connect with them or chat in general about the area. Its great to meet more permaculture folk in the area.

10 years ago