bruno motta

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since Apr 04, 2015
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Recent posts by bruno motta

Hello everyone I recommend the videos in French on youtube by cristof48. Yes and had a great experience with the turbine and batteries
2 weeks ago
In weaving and spinning, ceramic eyelets are used for the passage of textile thread. They are almost indestructible and you can insert them into your worn injector. You can find them with different hole diameters and invitations
2 weeks ago
for your doubts about the turbine, there are some cheap and programmable electronic circuits, which I use, and they are under/overvoltage with 10A relay output. program them slightly below the maximum voltage of the bms, and via its relay, drive an ac load from your inverter. the power will be sufficient to avoid over-revving the impeller. the load will be disconnected, when it reaches the UVP voltage. Furthermore, for greater safety, use another equal one, but which opens a solenoid valve on the pipeline, so as to discharge the incoming flow and still let the Pelton rotate
 best   greatig
1 year ago
Another site currently interesting and on y ..... e
Cristof48 and Pelton Energieeag
3 years ago
hello if you search with go ... video micropelton you find many DIY (even with my nickname))
I'm for the pico hidro with any height and reach (to start. and then we'll see?)
 the most important thing is the water intake at the source that does not cause turbulence and few clogging. do not save on the diameter of the duct, avoid corners and bottlenecks such as false slopes <which create an air bubble which reduces efficiency <
uses three-phase industrial brushless servomotors, which you can easily find at affordable prices
and a good MPPT solar regulator the biggest expense is not the turbine but the piping done well
4 years ago

I write you this email for info:
I am a retiree who has done so much for solar and water generators you can see a video of a brushless generator complete with elc for three-phase 230 volt 2.5 Kw at 600 rpm

if you are interested i am in switzerland (lugano)


Design calculations for no-head, low-head waterwheels - Backwoods Home Magazine

best regards  

5 years ago