Norlyn Driver

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since Sep 08, 2015
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Thanks for the document, Susan Hessel! I live in a small Maryland town on the Potomac, and am horrified by sewage release reports. Add to this the fact that the state thinks it's prudent to claim ownership of every drop of water that comes down the rainpipe, and we are up against one bureaucratic mess here. I am just beginning to dabble in this information, and you gave me access to a great start!
9 years ago
David==thanks for the straw warning. I have actually been avoiding straw by using goldenrod, which grows at an insane rate around the shale barrens here. It can be harvested with a scythe; then I strip the leaves (gotta have the TEA!) and use the stems for mulch. The stuff is a great mulch, and talk about renewable! I am also quite interested in the refrigerator idea--I think I have an old chest freezer available, and I'll just need to defeat the seal some for a bit of ventilation. I try to compost everything I can, and the winter boost would sure help!
9 years ago