Hello. I have a newborn piglet (male) that was born 2 days ago. He was not feeding from the mother and when the babies were checked on, he was found by himself and close to frozen. I got him inside right away in a blanket and a heating pad, tried feeding, but he didn't want to eat, probably from being so cold. Once he started to warm up a little bit more, I gave him a warm bath and then got him under a heat lamp. He perked up quite a bit once he was nice and warm. He then started eating and was wanting to eat every 30 min or so. I'd give him a little when he cried, but tried to only feed every two hours. Unfortunatly, all I had was replacement calf milk at the time and it was too late to make it to a store to get some replacement colostrum. His first poop was solid, but pretty soft and brown, after a few feedings it became yellow and a little softer. The next day, I was able to get the colostrum, but he would only eat a very little bit of it. I struggled all day trying to get him to eat it, but it wasn't happening so I had to switch back to the calf milk so he would at least eat something. Then I noticed his poop was more pastey soft and then became more like diarrhea, but still yellow. Today he's been eating really good, since I've switched back to the calf milk and his poop has been the same yellow, but not as watery. I just tried feeding him again about 30 min ago and he didn't want to eat, he only ate a little bit and then I noticed his poop was watery again. I've looked all over the internet and nothing is helping, only making me worry more. Someone please help with any advice or knowledge about symptoms like this. I am trying so hard to keep him alive. He has been peeing fine, so I do not think he is dehydrated and to give more detail about his more recent poop, it seems to be clear and yellow. Looks yellow coming out and then once it his the floor it almost looks like it has clear around it, yellow is inside the clear, if that makes sense.