Al Freeman wrote:Michael Cox makes a good point way down at the bottom of this post. That point being, you gotta pee in a composting toilet to make it work. Absolutely!
The truth of the matter is, urine contains urea, which is a nitrogen-based product. Adding this to the mix provides moisture, which facilitates thermophilic action. That's where it gets hot, if you don't want to look up the $5 word.
Secondly, it makes the pile 'fluid' more or less. A dry turd standing alone will eventually turn to soil, but if it's bathed in a solution of urine, the reaction goes probably a hundred times faster.
I know it smells, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Use more cover (sawdust or crushed, dry leaves), if it's teasing at your nostrils. When you dump your bucket out, it should "slosh" into the compost pile and require only a slight water rinse to "clean" the bucket. Personally, I swish out the bucket with a squirt of hose water, then let it dry and reuse it right away. Of course, I have a few extra buckets on hand in case I wake up to snow or ice and don't want to fool with it. I empty my thunder mug (toilet) about every 4 days; hey at my age, I can use the exercise.
Bottom line here: Pee in your composting toilet!
Tyler Ludens wrote:Personally I would not replace a flush toilet with a composting toilet, I would have a composting toilet in addition to a flush toilet, in case there is illness or injury which prevents maintenance of the composting toilet. Diversity is a survival strategy!
William Bronson wrote: I have considered composting toilets.
My wife swears she wants to use one.
But, I struggle to get her or the kids to deal with the rather inoffensive waste from their bunnies.