Ann Duncan

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since Dec 01, 2017
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San Joaquin Valley, California
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Recent posts by Ann Duncan

Great news cuz I've got two to go yet. And not sure how many times to re-watch a number of these. YAY for happy glitches!!!
5 years ago
Ok, made it thru the first 3 and the last 2. And it's way after midnight eastern time. So, really hoping they actually stay available for at least a few more days!!!

I really appreciate you posting this here.

5 years ago
Man! I hope these will available long enough to get through them at least once. My brain will actually need multiple times through to catch the most important good stuff. Thank you so much for posting these!
5 years ago
I don't see any dates for these. How long will they be available?

I confess, I've only seen the first episode. FABULOUS info, I hope to be able to see them all.
5 years ago
Wow, GREAT stuff, have only taken a peek but can tell that I want to watch this series! I really appreciate the quote you included (thanks for your clarifying add).

I take my health very seriously, have come a long in way in healing my many issues, have been able to help others. And have a long way to go, lots more to discover!
5 years ago
Srsly, way to git 'er done!!!

I would think you'd have a solid target market out there happy to hear about (and, hopefully BUY!) your book. I know my son and his intentional farm community would be down for that! :)

And I think a kickstarter sort of fundraiser is a wise way to test the waters.

Do you think a single 'big book' would be the absolute best way to go? Have you considered creating a series of smaller books, instead?

Blessings as you sort this!!!

6 years ago
O-M-G, r ranson is ON FIRE!!! Going BIG is energizing. Being frightened by the project is a most healthy sign! Being opinionated? Another great sign ;)

Write on, man, write on!

PS: Do NOT bother to apologize for grammar skewing here. It's social media, a forum. So such doesn't count.  I often tell stuffy ole' Grammarly to shove it! ;)
6 years ago
Great news!

I have a plan.  I found someone to help with the parts I suck at.  She has epic skills and we communicate well - or I should say, I communicate a bunch of vague ideas and she somehow magically understands what I mean.  With luck, I'll have exciting news on this project in a few weeks

Great news!!! Sounds like a great plan, as well!
6 years ago
10000 words per day is an INSANELY high number. Though some writers do manage that kind of productivity, it is not at all common.

My daughter and friend currently put out approx 1600 words per day (of excellent, barely-needing-editing output, cuz they've been at it since they were pre-teens, have paid their dues, and now truly understand the process). That adds up nicely. Me? A measly 500. (And not anywhere near as polished as theirs, cuz I haven't yet paid my dues/put in my time) but that actually adds up nicely, as well. :)

6 years ago
My daughter and her best friend are writers. They have found Create Space a great way to go. Yes, you retain publishing rights with that. Definitely be sure to do your research as to legalities concerning your writing.

(Ha! Just did a quick Google search and was surprised that the first 5 pages were nearly entirely related to her: Tirzah Duncan)

Good luck!
6 years ago