Christian, i have always thought that feeding pigs must be expensive because they eat alot. Never really studied it though.
Kyrt, i know 1,5ha is not enought for selfsufficiennt farming for many people. It would also be extremely difficult because of the short growing seasons we have. Some what sufficient is possible, since the lake is full of fish year around and there is lots of edible plants in surrounding nature. Finnish people do not really take advantage of it. Small community of 5-15people is what i have been thinking of.
Juha, i am planning to get some chickens aswell when i return to Finland. Escaped the winter this time. Flew to the warmth of Asia like a birds do! Easy solution for winter!
I will later start my own topic and upload more photos. Internet really sucks here in west papua.. I have youtube channel though, check klausssi123 if interested