Mark Edrys

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since Jan 29, 2016
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Recent posts by Mark Edrys

I'd like to thank all the posters in this thread, too. As you may have picked up on, I purchased some land around the same location as Joseph, and I'm definitely piggy-backing on this thread for great info. As I get further involved with the development of my property, I'll post my own topics and threads, but until then I'll use this thread as a great resource. So thanks again, posters, and thank you Joseph for letting me be a part of this.
8 years ago
I noticed! Very cool, and totally encouraging. I've already learned a lot in the week I've been on this site. Buying the 20 acres of barren desert was a major step for me, and I started to have feelings of doubt. But I believe with all the resources in here, I can and will make it work. And you will too! (You've actually inspired me to think about buying another 20 acres!)
8 years ago
Great thread, Joseph! I'll be following along, as we're practically neighbors. My experience level is extremely newbie, so I'm trying to take in as much info as I can. I love and appreciate this website.
8 years ago
What a great thread! I absolutely LOVE prickly pears. I plan on growing many on my land. Thanks for all the helpful advice, posters!
8 years ago

Joseph Johnson wrote:Hi Mark

You will be about 30 miles north of my land. Welcome to the neighborhood lol. I love mine I started with 20 acres and after visiting I added 40 more and after a few weeks jumped it to 104+. On the first page of this thread Kathleen posted some pics. That is EXACTLY what the land looks like. Mountains are all around you in any direction and on a clear night with no moon the stars will take your breath away.

You have found a very valuable resource here. Everyone is ready to jump right in and share a wealth of knowledge. In just over a month since I found this forum I have learned more than I ever thought possible.

Looking forward to hearing about your adventures

Joseph, thank you so much! I'm loving this site, especially this "Greening The Desert" section. I appreciate the neighborly welcome. I might have to consult with you on some matters, as I'm a total newbie! But I look forward to the whole experience! Especially the night skies, and the mountain backgrounds. Thanks again for reassuring me I didn't just throw my money away! LOL
8 years ago

Cristo Balete wrote:Mark, you bought the land sight unseen? You've got to let us know how it goes! I hope you start a thread on it.

I sure will, Cristo! I'm developing a blog around it anyway, so I'll make sure I post in this forum as well!
8 years ago
Hi, Joseph. The piece I bought is up Big Tank Road, north of SB. On Google Earth, it's near "Rancho Cantu", whatever that is. It looks amazing on my phone and my computer. I'm actually planning a visit in two weeks to see it in person. I'm pretty stoked.
8 years ago
Great thread! I plan to use these swale techniques in my little piece of desert.
9 years ago
It seems I'm four years late to the game. (But that's how I roll!) I just purchased a similar "cheap land" 20-acre plot in west Texas, near Sierra Blanca. I'm getting a lot of good info from this thread. I'm curious-- Kathleen (OP) can you give us an update? Are you still around? I'm curious to see what kind of progress you may have made. I learned from this thread so far is rainwater collection and swales. Rock on...
9 years ago