Andrés Bernal

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since Apr 17, 2018
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Im an artist living in a very special jungle jumping from farm/conservation efforts to art creation in both the digital and physical realms
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Colombia - Tropical dry forest
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Recent posts by Andrés Bernal

Another thing I really like about this system is its loopy design, once you're done with a batch you have a rinsed can ready to go and get filled again:

1 day ago
A shot from the willow warehouse, where the willow candy goes to rest for two years:

3 days ago
We just made this spiffy animation of the bin system for the willow feeder that will go into the movie.

What do you think?
4 days ago
& you can replace with our latest permies product, pure water:

1 week ago
Why you ask? Cause of pure water :)

1 week ago
Look at our very serious and totally legit new ad for the latest permies product, available now everywhere in the world:

1 week ago
Going "'poo-less" - what it means, how to do it, and everything else you might need to know

What is “going ‘poo-less”?

Strictly speaking, it means not using shampoo to wash your hair. It can extend to not using soap when taking a shower, and it could also mean using shampoo alternatives, or more environmentally friendly concoctions to wash hair and body.

Hair contains a natural oil, called sebum, in its follicles, which is considered essential for keeping itself healthy. Frequent washing, combined with some of the harsh chemicals in shampoo, strips away those oils leaving your hair in bad shape.

You might ask: So, how do I clean my hair or body’s buildup of oils and gunk without using any “cleaning” shampoos or soaps?

This thread is all about that. You’ll hear from real people that chose to ditch shampoo and, some of them, soap, and lived to talk about it, and are proud to show you how they did it, and the results they achieved.

Here are some relevant threads:

         Poo-less and conditioner-less for Curly hair??

         Suggestions for a Pooless trial?

         Poo-less and Oily skin and sweaty feet

Podcast where Paul is talking about the subject:

          Podcast 240 Poo-less: Shampoo and Soap less

And another podcast:

          Podcast 149 - No soap or Shampoo

Click on the link below to read the adventures of a young mom who chose to forego shampoo!

          Zero waste mommy

& now we have an ad for pooless!

1 week ago

Dian Green wrote:I'm still hoping to do this and am working on stuff but have a couple of questions.

Should I just start uploading video as I do them or do you prefer us to wait until we get through the whole thing?

Are there any issues with us sharing our videos, as we go, on other sites or do you want them kept exclusive? As part of that question, how do you want it referred to? Gamcod? Paul Wheaton project? Do you want any links to come here?  I'm on bluesky and tumblr and was thinking about sharing my attempt progress on both of those.

Pls upload them as you go! No need to edit them but pls follow the naming instructions in the video submission thread.

You can use it wherever and can refer as you wish I like the idea that GAMCOD becomes a household word and concept.
1 week ago
This thread is the official central thread for this project.

We are calling it GAMCOD for now, but the final movie might have a different name.

Paul is hoping that 100 gardeners will start this project.  And then the best six results go into a final movie product.  The core of this is to show six great gardeners demonstrating great permaculture gardening practices to people that have never gardened before.  The wish is for the observers to conclude that gardening is cheap, easy and productive.

Calories per acre is the core of this project.  While it is true that there maybe be wiser metrics, those wiser metrics might be the core of a future project.  

200 square feet must be clearly marked out at the start.  It must be one contiguous piece (not two or more pieces adding up to 200 square feet).  Probably a rectangle or a circle.  Start with dirt patch or a lawn-on-dirt.  Note that 7x28 is less than 200 square feet and could hold a 7 foot tall hugelkultur.

For this first attempt at a movie project, if your garden is in an area that went to zero degrees F or colder in the last ten years, then it qualifies. (if this works, later projects might be for warmer climates)

At least five crops that are generally known as food (you can find the foods in the organic grocery). No soy.  And the focus remains as "highest calories per acre". Polyculture is strongly encouraged.

Optional: an additional 200 square foot plot that is planted with perennials. A summary in late summer about what the productivity might be like in five years and ten years.  

Gardeners are encouraged to use a "ghost acre":  a place where mulches and fertilizers are grown, outside of the 200 square feet.  Details about mulches and importing seeds/tubers/bulbs here.

We want to see practices far above organic.  The wish is for the final movie to advocate NOT buying stuff, and NOT risking the import of things that could be toxic.

Unlimited irrigation.  Explain how this is critical for building the soil so in the future you won't need as much irrigation.

Keep track of

   - total time put in (try to keep this low)

   - total money spent (try to keep this low)
   - total money saved in groceries (try to keep this high)

Paul wants people that watch this movie to KNOW to their core that gardening is:

  - easy
  - delightful
  - productive
  - thrifty
  - yummy


- for a kickstarter movie, we'll pay $400 per every minute used in the movie

- prorated, so if we use 22 seconds you get 22/60 of a minute of this dealio

For example, if we use 30 minutes of video in the final movie,  the payout will be $12,000

"Big names" and folks who do it at Wheaton Labs get double the amount.

GAMCOD Poll: Do you plan to participate?
help each other be excellent at GAMCOD!
how to prove that you are starting with dirt
gamcod importing materials, ghost acre, mulches, seeds, tubers
GAMCOD: What resources may I use?

GAMCOD: Video Submissions

doing GAMCOD but not GAMCOD

2 weeks ago