Todd Parr wrote:
Justin Nickel wrote:That sounds like a bummer! I just received my beautiful assortment of birds from Murray McMurray. We currently have a White Rock hen from last Summer still, started with 6 but are reduced to 1 until these chicks get bigger....
We received Barred Rocks, Blue Cochins, Buff Orpington, White Wyandotte, Aracauana, Black Australorps.... a little experimenting with hardiness of breeds in this Wisconsin Climate, I would love to add some Lakenvelders eventually....
I started with a lot of different breeds from Murray McMurray. I'm in roughly the same area you are, and my best advice is to breed chickens without large combs. Frost bitten combs is the only real problem I've had with my chickens here. I've been crossing my own breeds into some kind of "parr-mix" chickens, but I'm moving toward only keeping only small combed birds from now on.