Caroline Gosselin wrote:Hi there : ) what kind of chimney do we need to be on code when we install those rocket stove heaters? Thanks!
Dave Lotte wrote:
Sky Huddleston wrote: Without doing something akin to this, the project may be too difficult to take on using the specific natural materials Paul wants.
I have done a variety of projects in my time, and have a couple of friends who look at me and ask
" how do you do that ??? "
May i suggest the same thing that i tell them ?
Start small, and with each victory - it builds up your confidence and knowledge base for the next one.
Don't try to build a 7 foot round door all at once - build a 2 foot round test first. Same materials, same thickness, just .... smaller. Call it a doggy door.
I have also met people who never get past the planning stages as well, the project just .... stalls ...
go out and do the mini. 😁
Michael Cox wrote:I truly don't see any kind of corporate troll behaviour in that reddit thread. Instead I see people talking at cross purposes, who when they have misunderstood what is being discussed have reached erroneous conclusions. And then as is the nature of social media they have voted according to what they perceive. In this case they thought they were dealing with a snake-oil salesman, and voted accordingly. But this is because of the fundamental disconnect between the language of the two "sides".
People who are promoting new technologies, especially where they make grand claims for benefits, need to work hard to fine tune their message to make it palatable by the audience they are speaking to. Here Paul chose to approach a demographic he was unfamiliar with, and who were unfamiliar with the ideas he was discussing. And he went in heavy on the benefits, as he sees them, but left them just with increased scepticism.
The spate of down voting is a natural consequence of the circumstances, and not a grand conspiracy.
My fear is that talking about it as an us-against-them conspiracy may excuse "us" from actually addressing the communication problem properly. And if we collectively don't learn how to communicate these ideas in an way that is palatable then we will remain stuck.
Freyda Black wrote:Will you be posting information on how one would go about intetgrating this heater with thermal mass? And do you feel it would work in a smallish yurt or dome shaped structure say about 20' across for heating and cooking?
Thanks for making this technology available!
Meadow Cern wrote:I'm so pumped by this, because it's just a step away from RMH's getting manufactured, then legal systems being available in Canada next and also approved through insurance companies. I can't wait. Every rural home should have one, IMO. Right now many of us cannot insure our homes if there is a homemade RMH because it is not an "approved" system. This is a game changer. Thank you and kudos to you guys!!!