David Lehnherr wrote:Wow. Can’t imagine a meat-only diet. Too much protein, especially animal protein, is causing many of our modern health epidemics (obesity, diabetes, etc.). Of course, industrial animal farming is terrible for the planet. Wild game or small-scale animal husbandry isn’t so bad, but they aren’t an option for most people. Simple carbs have no health benefit, but complex carbs (i.e., fruits, veggies, legumes, etc.), which also usually have associated protein, seem vital to good health.
I think you have this entirely back to front!
Carbs are not "vital" for good health though many people feel better for eating them. Obesity and diabetes are a result of high fat high carb diets typically represented in fast food and fizzy drinks. Animal protein does not cause "many of our health problems" though some diabetics may find it raises their insulin. As seen on Marks Daily Apple (mentioned above) anecdotally many people with obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, autoimmune diseases to name just a few, have found their health recover and their weight drop by following an unprocessed diet with moderate protein and lower carb vegetables, and limited fruit, and excluding legumes and grains, and in some cases dairy as well. If you don't have health problems eating your present diet then that's great, but people struggling with their health often have to look outside the box for answers.
Its very hard to accept that the common food pyramid is actually detrimental to our health, and as some-one who had been following the low fat mantra for 20 adult years I thought my head would explode when I read Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. It was in this book I first heard about the Stefanson Experiment. I recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in nutrition.