Andrew Long

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since Jan 02, 2018
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Recent posts by Andrew Long

I love Lois Ehlert (her "Fish Eyes" was/is a favorite with our kids and grandkids). Thanks for the tip on "Planting a Rainbow": I'll check that one out, as well as some of the others referenced in this forum.

My absolute favorite book with a nature theme is Ruth Heller's The Reason for a Flower (here's a link, with reviews; you can hear it read here). "The reason for a flower is to manufacture seeds!". It was a gift from a botanist friend to my youngest son upon his birth, and he must have heard it read (and read it) a thousand times!

6 years ago
Hi Folks,
   We built our greenhouse out of a machine shed (so it has a tin roof), using scrap glass from all over. We used two bays of the 48 foot long shed, and I was thinking about using the north bay for raising chickens (a la Solviva). But now I'm thinking about turning it into a small "cabin in a shed" (a shabin). We'll see this summer what happens.
   I got a couple of solar water heaters that I've built into the south facing wall. We're far enough north that in the winter the sun isn't really overhead, anyway, so I didn't mind having a tin roof. I haven't hooked them up yet, but am thinking about heating large tubs of water inside, as thermal mass, running the piping through some car radiators.  
   This ran into a few thousand dollars (mostly for the Rocket Mass Heater inside, and the OSB for the walls, paint, etc.).
   We had tomatoes until November 9th, I believe, which I thought was pretty good. If we insulate the ceiling, we'll do better -- so I'm hoping to do that this year (especially if I can find some scrap foam insulation). Right now there's just house wrap between the greenhouse and the tin roof.
   I got all the pink insulation from a fellow who had bagged it in black garbage bags for a project of his own, which never materialized.
   Have fun, whatever you're doing!
6 years ago
I second Mark's suggestion. I used Wisner's RMH Builder's Guide, step-by-step, brick-by-brick, and created a somewhat unusual RMH up in Ontario this past summer, to heat our greenhouse (which we also just built).

Works pretty well!
6 years ago
Hi Alan,
  This is really exciting for me. I built a RMH this summer for our greenhouse, and I love it. But now I want to build one for a small cabin, and wanted one that has food prep capabilities.
  What's also exciting is the small footprint, and the use of the old water tanks.
  What I don't understand is the point of the vertical tank. Does it actually let air flow into the system?
  Also, did you ever finish it with the cob, as in your drawing of the "finished" version?
7 years ago