Margeaux Perrault

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since Mar 18, 2016
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Recent posts by Margeaux Perrault

Here’s an updated list of the tuition pricing!

Early bird signup special:
900cad paid before February 9, 2024
450cad for Alpha who are not staying for Beta portion. 585cad for Beta only portion.

Well thought out moderate:
1100cad paid before May 3, 2024
550cad for Alpha who are not staying for Beta portion. 715cad for Beta only portion.

Meandering last on the boat pricing:
1500cad paid before August 2, 2024.
750cad for Alpha who are not staying for Beta portion. 975cad for Beta only portion.
1 year ago
Here’s an updated list of the tuition pricing!

Early bird signup special:
900cad paid before February 9, 2024
450cad for Alpha who are not staying for Beta portion. 585cad for Beta only portion.

Well thought out moderate:
1100cad paid before May 3, 2024
550cad for Alpha who are not staying for Beta portion. 715cad for Beta only portion.

Meandering last on the boat pricing:
1500cad paid before August 2, 2024.
750cad for Alpha who are not staying for Beta portion. 975cad for Beta only portion.
I’m bumping this post and editing a little:
I’m still looking for a place to live in the Springfield area, rent has gotten a little too high for me. I am also looking to be outside of the city, and ideally would either be able to save money to buy a small piece of land or maybe find an owner finance situation. I can rough it, I’ve actually daydreamed for years about living in a canvas tent with a wood stove and an outhouse. I have roughed it before so my daydreams aren’t totally pipedreams!
I’ve been living with my sister and her husband for half the year, and although I am grateful for the help I know they’re probably ready for me to move on, and I’m ready too. If you have any leads, please just go ahead and give me a call or text! Sometimes my notifications from here get lost. 575-776-7819. Thanks so much!
2 years ago
I’ve been renting a house the last 2 years in Springfield, and did not intend to stay once my lease is up at the end up April. But I got a really good job opportunity working on a flower farm that I just can’t pass up! So I need a place to stay at least for the summer. Rent is going up and I am tired of giving my hard earned money to a leasing agency, plus I’m tired of the city. I’d like to live just outside city limits, maybe even a surrounding town. The farm I work at is just north of Springfield. Depending on what I can be offered I might be able yo get a camper to park somewhere. I just thought I’d give it a shot to post here! I do have a dog, I have my own vehicle, I’m not a partier or anything like that. I just want a place to lay my head after working outside all day. Hope this finds someone who can help me!
2 years ago
Hi, I know this feed is sort of old but I now have an interest in growing heirloom pomegranates! I really had no idea they could thrive at all in the US. I am in Missouri (zone 6b), I haven't seen much in my research suggesting pomegranates would do well here but I would love to give it a shot. Maybe one day I'll have a conservatory full of beautiful exotic fruit trees.
Does anyone have some heirloom seeds to spare? I can do a trade! I have some persimmon seeds I got this fall from some old trees, the fruit was the most sweet I've ever had!
4 years ago

Anne Miller wrote:

Margot Davison wrote: long fermentation sourdough

What is the difference between long term fermentation and regular sourdough?  If I keep some sourdough going all the time is this a long ferment?

As far as I've seen in my research, with long-ferment you let it sit up to 5 days, whereas most regular recipes I've followed the dough sits at most 48 hours, often times even shorter. I guess at some point there will be nothing left for the yeast and bacteria to eat, so you wouldn't want it to sit out too long.

I am also not celiac so this isn't an issue for me, but it was an intriguing thought! I do notice a pattern with breads that give me trouble and the ones that don't...
I have friends who are celiac. I'd love to play around with a long-ferment gluten free recipe!

There's a thread currently going around about volkornbrot... boy would that be fun to try making. There is a bakery in Taos, NM that makes it, so delicious! I have not seen anywhere here in the Ozarks that makes it so far...

Thanks everyone for your responses!
4 years ago
My mom, who is very much so a lifelong student of natural health and always talking about topics I have yet to come across, recently mentioned to me something very interesting. I can't seem to find a thread that already exists here about it so I am starting one, but if there is one please excuse me and lead me to it!
Last time I was with her we were talking about gluten intolerance, thyroid issues, etc. and she nonchalantly brings up something about some traditional sourdough breads they make in Europe (where? who knows...) that are so well or highly fermented that even people with celiac can eat it. She has friends in England and other parts of Europe so I am assuming she heard this from one of them... but maybe the info was misconstrued or lost in translation because this seems incredible to me. I have done a bit of googling, but I really love and respect opinions and perspectives I find here! Regardless of what I find out I am baking some long-fermented sourdough asap, I've already got my starter fed and waking up outside of the fridge. Release the Beast 😈
4 years ago
Hi! Sending you a PM
4 years ago