Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Cheryl Gallion

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since Jun 11, 2016
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Recent posts by Cheryl Gallion

Joseph Lofthouse wrote:

I love bottled tomatillo salsa. I originally started growing tomatillos, because I often look at my life and say, "What am I currently buying that I could be growing?"

What do you use in the tomatillo salsa that you can? My friend uses a recipe that calls for bottled lime juice if you're canning and fresh if you're not. It also calls for a couple tablespoons of vinegar if you're canning. I get the vinegar but not the bottled lime juice. Could you please share your recipe with me?
I made some yesterday, but I think I used too much water to cook down the tomatillos and not enough peppers, it was also almost too sweet.
8 years ago

kay Smith wrote:y'all gotta try tomatillo pineapple salsa:
Tomatillo puree + fresh pineapple bits & add some green chilies, garlic, cilantro, lime and hint of mint and ginger

Sounds delish! Could you help me out with some quantities, I'm really bad with scale.. I still have a bunch of peppers sitting on the counter from the last batch of salsa verde I made yesterday. I had way too many chilis.
8 years ago

Marco Banks wrote:

You might experiment with vegan chili verde. What if you were to cook down your tomatillos, onions, chilis (a variety of roughly chopped green chilis -- ortega, anaheim, pablano), and then use a couple of portabello mushrooms as your meat substitute. Cook them whole in your verde sauce, and then slice them when it's done. Tacos would be great with that -- topped with a bit of cilantro, lime, a crumbly Mexican cheese, and thinly sliced raw radishes. I'd eat that all day long.

Oh I love that idea! I bought portobellos to try it. (and the tomatillos etc, but I might have too many chilis) I'm going to make salsa and then use half of that to cook the mushrooms in. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! Thanks for the ideas Marco
8 years ago