Xisca Nicolas wrote:
steve pailet II wrote:that being the case get a solar panel and battery.. let it run a small circulating pump
Do you mean it is impossible to heat water and send it hot downward to the tank where I want the heat? And then dispose of the cool water again downward?
I really have cliffs and very vertical lines!
if you think heat runs down hill do this. boil water in a pan.. put your hand over the top of it. see if you feel heat. now put your hand below and off to the side.. you tell me which is hotter hear rises this is called convection. Radiation the heat will go all around. You are not radiating heat till it gets where you are going.. you have a choice you can pump or you can forget it. Unless you can figure out how to ignore basic thermodynamics. I doubt that any human has ever figured out how to do this.
What you are asking cannot be done without a real way to move the water and hence to move the heat.
A comment about falling water.. that and dumping is the only way to get the water to go downhill. A note about efficiency. The hotter you get water and store said water in general because the water with a much higher deltaT that is the heat in the tank vs the heat in the air trying to cool it down the more inefficient per same volume of water. When you have a much larger tank at a lower temperature you are going to have much more efficient storage. All I know is this is a physical reality. When there is a lower ratio of temp to temp per volume you are going to have that lower temp water stick around. Most of us have little use for water at 160 unless you want a nice cup of tea.. But.. at 120 you can put your hand in it and wash that tea cup and heat your home