The Great adventure has begun ... Ive started growing my own Spirulina culture ... its only been 9 days. And after a week and a bad start, a bad instruction manual said to add culture to nutrient liquid and wait 3 days add more nutrient liquid... I thought it meant to add the liquid nutrient mix undiluted. So I mixed 10Litres worth of nutrient with my 100mls spirulina culture . ... Thankfully, its flourishing nicely now ... after7 days I added 2L of water and a heaped of the bicarb nutrient powders. It has regained and flourished immensely overnight now only 2 days later .. I have 5x the amount of culture before it just about died.
My question is,
I am looking to use an organic plant based liquid nutrient feed to put in the spare feeding tank for my algae. Am I able to use a Bunnings bought organic liquid nutrient for plants as feed for my culture? Do you know which one is most suitable and the amount to use for a 10L tank?
Thank You