Hi Dave,
My name is Esther Rovin.
I am a scenic artist, craftsperson, prop maker and set builder specializing in themed environments mostly.
Years ago I built my own house and want to do so again, but this time as energy efficient and self sustaining as possible.
My dream is buy a min of 5 acres, dedicating most as a natural sanctuary and food forest. In my perfect dream it is an eco village but I'll settle for homestead,
To that end I have been studying permaculture and alternative building styles for several years. I was working in Malaysia in 2016 and obtained my online permaculture design cert. I spent 2017 in Australia volunteering and working on off grid farms and properties helping to put hands-on practical application to my online education.
It was fantastic! I learned about composting, land and grey water management, animal husbandry from bees and chickens to goats and horses, I even learned some black smithing!
I'm currently looking for land, though due to finances my options are limited. I'm not a financial warrior and have been freelance most of my life so I can't retire. To that end I am currently in school studying regenerate agriculture. I have part 3 of my final exam today! Then as a Certified Lab Technician of the SoilFoodWeb I will be able to work as a soil microbiologist from home, hopefully freeing up my work/life dream balance. I hope to continue my education for another 2 years to become a consultant, using biomimicry thru specialized compost and compost teas to aid in soil construction and habitat propagation.
I'm currently in California, having been raised here I would love to help reforestation California and maybe bring back the beaver and other water/forest restoration.
That's said I am looking for land anywhere in the contry that's within 2 hours of a major airport (I like to travel).
I would love to find like minded partner or community, the more the merrier, and effecient!
I guess I'll sign off now.
Please reply if you feel so inspired,
Kind regards, Esther
P.S. I am 51yo, 5'8", 175, hazel eyes, happy laugh, early riser, prefer tea to coffee,similar food habits as yourself, love to dance and tend animals.