I'm appreciating reading where everyone is at with preparing.
I am pretty much stocked up on what I need for myself and my dogs & cats.
I will go out one more time to get a bit more staples and dry cat food then should be good to go for sometime.
I have a good supply of can foods, basic, staples and foods in freezer and dried foods.
From what I've seen and heard it can get quite crazy in the store scene here in Iowa yet sounds like it is everywhere.
I've been working on all my starter plants and many will soon be ready to go out. I will continue starting, planting, growing and canning/storing what I produce. I'll also be doing hay bale gardening, plant hangers in the trees and an indoor garden area. I hope soon to have time and energy to do my underground greenhouse and pantry. I've been wanting to do this for sometime so hopefully beginning soon. I'm looking forward to my fresh veggies.
I'll be sharing a bit more of produce with my kids and grandkids local here.
They haven't planned for things like are happening. Perhaps this will aid them to do so in the future.