Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Bob Dewolf

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since May 22, 2018
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How about sealing a pond by moose or elk ?    Gotta see this!
6 years ago
Wayne, thanks for that.  I finally found Damit ( one M )  on amazon.  Here is more info on their pond dam sealer .  It looks promising!
6 years ago
Wayne,  I couldn't find a website for Dammit.  Is it simmilar to this Watersaver pond seal  ?
6 years ago
With a hole that tiny I have to wonder if just a wide thick blanket of clay would suffice.  It is all in how long you need it to last.  if the last hole took decades to form, you might try more of a spot fix.  You might also check with the NRCS for pond assistance
6 years ago
Gigi,  your situation sounds very applicable for a windmill aerator  ..  Once it is installed, it just works, as long as you have a breeze
6 years ago