Rani Hunter

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since Jan 05, 2019
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I have on the ranch the Rhino Fence Pro, rocky soil like mad in a lot of areas, but very back saving on what it does.   Havent used a pneumatic, but in my situation its a more simple solution.  

With a pneumatic. I require a power source,  Likely without fail a generator, to run an air compressor (or a gas powered compressor)  Gas powered air compressor simplifies, but has several uses.  generator/compressor/lines/tool ... Thats four seperate components to maintain and prepare for failure, but the seperate pieces give redundancy.  The gas air compressor reduces it, but you need 1 less thing running to power stuff.  But far more costly to purchase, still needs to be maintained.  Worst case, one of the far more expensive to replace options.
2 years ago
MAy be my first post, but here it goes, since I deal with solar constantly.

Basic badge can easily involve a lot of that.. 12 volt single battary, why you want a charge controller, the wattage of your panel and battery sizes and usefulness.

More advanced, using different voltage batteries, 3v, 6v, 12v... Stuff to learn why its better to advance to the more intricate charge controllers, why the lower voltage gives you a better reserve to fall back on for battery life.

Extremely advanced.  MPPT handling, diversion/dump loads so you dont "nuke" your batteries?  In all stages like Mike mentioned, why you want to solder, sizing everything to your load and distance the load must carry is a given.

Easily able to get a Bronze/Silver/Gold setup right away with that idea.

Further, helper sub badge? helping set up and train others to understand HOW to wire their battery banks and Panels to achieve the voltages needed for the power changes?

Distant... Panel setup to capture maximum amounts of power, moving solar panel holders so they can always get maximum direct sunlight, the pro's and cons of the setups?

Hopefully I helped add a bit more idea and insight.

Both the starter, post, and I gotta give credit to Mike..some excelent ideas, all a matter to admins and all on how to run it.
5 years ago