They will let you stay out of loan default with a 1% per month payment. If you owe 50k, you pay them $500 a month. My rental rooms easily paid off my loans in 2 years. Now I live very comfortably and about all I have to do is guard and maintain my home, which I'd have to do anyway, without anyone else living with me. 1 year of schooling, full time, will suffice to make you an LPN, $18 an hour with VA. RN is another year, then it's $23 an hour. You dont have to have a 4 year degree, and if you are an RN, you can get a job anywhere in the US. If you'll work a bit of overtime, you'll make 60-100k a year, depending upon the area and how much OT you work. You can get a 4 year degree in something else, half time, in 2 more years. I suggest criminology,cause in the US, prisons are one very secure job and the Fed ones, at least pay very well, with lots of overtime and a great pension after 20 years, civil service AND union protection, great medical insurance. 100k a year is pretty common, after you've been with them a couple of years, at least in some parts of the US. Easy work and less dangerous than tending a bar.Greg Mamishian wrote:Bill, you offer an excellent example of creative adaptation. Your self motivated resourcefulness is inspiring. Rentals are the biggest "industry" in our area. They make it possible for many of the folks here to afford to live in their homes. I also avoided college loans by apprenticing in a trade and then going into business for myself doing repairs and upgrades on landlord's rentals as well as on their own homes.
the rivers are highly likely to always have fish, if you have netting. 100 lbs of the right kind of food will get you thru 100 days of rafting, if it's not too cold, So many people are going to be dead, so quickly, that there's going to be plenty of stuff to pick up, from abandoned vehicles/buildings, and from dead bodies, There will be lots of space in which to garden. Have some non-hyrid seeds and you'll be ok. People will be a very high risk to kill you, either directly, with poison, explosives, other types of boobytraps, or by contagious diseases. Avoid them for as long as possible. Then join a proven-viable group, carefully, from a distance, using dead drops and message flags to establish your value (and theirs) before risking actual person to person contact. Nobody's at all likely to see you when you travel at night. Everyone has eyeballs, but not even 1% have night visions and most wont have solar chargers. Batteries die, especially in cold weather.Deb Stephens wrote:I'm not sure the definition of survival is to spend your life running away. At some point, no matter how thrifty you are, that bike or raft has to stop and resupply. If the world becomes the hell-hole you hint at, there aren't going to be convenience stores along your route and anything you might think of foraging has probably already been foraged by the people who live in the area you are passing through. People who opt to survive in place may be the only ones with food and you can bet your bottom dollar they will see you coming if you think your best option is to steal your way along to wherever you're going. So what IS your plan for resupply?