Huck Middeke

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since Feb 14, 2019
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I have a similar issue, as I need an insulated, yet somewhat mobile floor.
So I am thinking of packaging leca and some car tires between two plastic sheets and then lay a floor made of plywood ontop.
So if needed I only take the sheets and the plywood and source available insulation and tires at the new location.

Could this work?
5 years ago
My first post on permies and I'd like to express my gratitude for this resource.

Here my thought/ question:
For a 5.5m yurt by FingerJurtta I will need t build a 5.6m floor, which needs to be mobile enough and insulated.
A SIPs-like construction is going to be too big for transport.
Can you please comment on this idea:

-car tires (to be sourced at new location)
-ground sheet (to be taken with me when moving)
-leca (or other insulation sourced locally when moving or taken with me when only moving small distance)
-cover for leca (like groundsheet, to be taken with me when moving)
-plywood or OSB board as floor (8 interconnected identical pie pieces around a central octagon, all to be taken with me when moving)
-coir matting (to be put ontop of the floor panels)

So the idea is to put package the car tires with the leca between two layers of groundsheet material and then lay the floor with the coir-matting on top.

Does this make sense? Do ynot see any problems with this constructions?
5 years ago