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Cheryl Frances

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since Mar 10, 2019
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Fiber arts and herbalism and stuff like that.
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Hillsboro, Oregon
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Recent posts by Cheryl Frances

Thanks Stacy! That's another place we have been wondering about.  My mom is going to give that realtor a call. :)
5 years ago
Thank you James! Lewis County does sound pretty fabulous. We shall investigate further...
5 years ago

I am looking for advice if you have any. My parents have been homesteading in Illinois for 20+ years and they have 2 cows, 3 horses, 3-4 goats and a dog and 3 cats in the house.

They are looking to relocate that whole operation to the west, somewhere within a 4 hour radius of the Portland, Oregon area, where my brother and I are settled.

Finding land that is not crazy expensive, gets enough rainfall to grow things, is suitable for livestock, and is not a 10 hour drive from Portland is pretty tricky. They have a gorgeous 9 acre farm back in Illinois, but the same money can't buy the same thing out here with higher land prices, which is a huge bummer.

Do you have any recommendations for finding such things?

Do you know any real estate agents who are good at hunting out land like that?

Renting a farm out here for a little bit while they hunt for the right place to buy is a good option too, but I'm not sure where you find farm rentals.

I'm trying to help, but it's hard to know where to start, so if you have thoughts, I'd love to hear them. Thank you!
5 years ago