Tony Hawkins wrote:
She really just didn't know a lot of things that I do, and likewise I didn't know about things she did. She didn't know how much work went into certain parts of our home and when she saw that we realized that we're probably about 50/50 already. But there were certain things that were pain-in-the-butt for her, that I really don't have a problem with, so I picked up some of those too because why not?
Jean Rudd wrote:Great List!
But here's one to add to your list: Jerusalem artichoke (neither from Jerusalem nor an artichoke) a.k.a. a sunchoke... This spreads like crazy (aggressive) from a single bulb/root. Not sure what the right conditions are. I give mine neglect and no water in clay soil.
Lina Joana wrote:I have to say, I am not totally sold on passive income being truly passive. Lets start with the “try 100 things, 2 will work”. How much time do the other 98 take? Seems like the 2 would have to be spectacular to make up for the high failure rate… and then a lot of them, when you dig in, require maintenance and relearning every time the search engine changes the its algorithm, or your book sales taper off, or whatever. I am not saying the strategies don’t make money, I just wonder if you factor in the failed attempts and the maintenance, just what would the hourly salary be? Again, they might still work as a flexible job, especially if you enjoy it, so not dissing it overall!
paul wheaton wrote:Here is something I have said about 40 times to about 40 photographers. And I suspect zero of those photographers have followed my advice.
Take a great pic, reduce the size of the pic to 700 pixels wide and post it to permies. Post the high res pic out at a stock photography site. Put a link to all of your pics at the stock photography site in your signature. Repeat daily for a month...
Now do this for a full year and discover that you are getting $800 per picture over a ten year span of time. $2500 per month comes in and you don't do anything more. It is all on autopilot.
And if you stop posting pics, that money just keeps coming in year after year.
- - - -
Today I got another email from somebody that wants to pay for a high res pic they saw here on permies.
Mia Angelo wrote:Looking for like-minded people to create an "ecovillage" in the Sierra Norte mountains of Central Mexico near Oaxaca de Juarez.
Jillian Krake wrote:I am going to possibly look for someone who wants to move also. Split some of the stress and not be alone. Though alone is not a deterrent.
Roger Klawinski wrote:
I am finding cheap land everywhere; problem is, it appears it does not allow for unrestricted use. When I mean "unrestricted", I am talking about free to put a tiny house (190 to 340 square feet) and composting toilet system (to name a few) on the property without having an assessor or zoning board on my tail.
Where can I find land with NO RESTRICTIONS on use?
Any leads or insight would be great.
Angelika Maier wrote:
The problem here is mainly how to process oil on a household scale. We do not have any oil presses near us.