Michael Westbrook

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since Jun 12, 2019
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Port Orchard, Washington
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You didn't say where you're located at. Without knowing what your growing conditions it hard to give advice.  I just took a class sponsored by WSU (Washington State, USA) that being said, soil temp must be 65 degrees min to plant outside.  To start your slips, they can be started with a heat mat. Make sure slips have lots of room and don't let them get root bound or pototoes will be disfigured Once your soil temp can maintain 65 degrees,  in Washington and Oregon,  end of May or 1st or second week in june.  Try to plant on a series of overcast days. Water for first week to 2 weeks.Time to maturity is 80-100 days.

Stop irrigation 1 week before harvest. Cut vines 1 day before harvest. Harvest before soil temp goes below 55 degrees

After digging up your Sweet Potatos don't leave in direct sunlight for more than a hour.  Cure on vented racks DO NOT WASH THE POTATOS!! Cure at 85-90 degrees at 85% humidity for 7-10 days

If cured properly, they will last for at least 6 months at 55-60 degrees at 80% humidity in a dark place.

John, DONT STORE POTATOS IN THE REFRIGERATOR! The most likely reason for the rotting is improperly cured potatoes.

Good luck, Happy planting
Michael Westbrook,
Phoenix Farm
1 year ago
You are correct, tapping timing is completely different here in the PNW. I'm in Manchester, WA and got about 5 gallions of sap early on, end of DEC, early Feb, then the well dried up. This is my first year and i belong to a PNW syrup group on FB, the membership seems to cover a pretty big area, many are from BC Canada.  The sap flows vary greatly, some are still getting sap, some like myself,  the sap flow has stopped.  Some have even pulled their spiles and lines. For, myself I'm hoping to get a second flow so I'm keeping mine in and will be adding some. I'll report back at the end of march. In the meanwhile you should check out the FB page.

2 years ago

did you ever find a place to land? if you're still looking check out my new post "Land Share Opportunity on our Western Washington on our Farm"
or contact me at beanstock2@gmail.com
3 years ago

See My post "Land Share Opportunity on our Western Washington on our Farm".
if intrested contact me.
3 years ago
We are looking for a couple or Several Individuals to Land share (called share cropping in the old days) for two locations in Western Washington
There are a few different accommodation and work options; meaning different expectations for possible short Term Help/ Land Share (growing season only or long term residents. When inquiring: please state what type of opportunity you are looking for.

We always need and can use volunteer help around the land, as well as devoted community members. Most Volunteers would not leave without something to take home depending what time of year. A jar of honey, some maple syurp, a box of produce, a tree or flowers, he the list could go on and on but your get the idea.

Space is available at our 5-acre permaculture/ Regenerative Farm in Port Orchard, WA. (one spot is for someone who has a trailer - we have water but no electric hookups (at this writing). There are always sites for tents.
A limited number of Animals would also be allowed. For instance, you could bring or buy 1 sheep or Goat or possibly a pig, to be raised and slaughtered in the fall. And of course well behaved canines would be welcome too. An extra bonus/ consideration for those that have well trained Livestock Guardian Dog.

Space is also available at our Randle, WA Location.it is 5 acres near the small town of Randle, WA there is also one spot for someone who has a trailer or a RV - we have water but no electric hookups (at this writing). There are always sites for tents.  This parcel is more or less primitive. there is a well but no well pump yet. Also, there is no perimeter fencing established their yet so at this location no animals allowed.

Check our blog page here: Phoenix Farm Blog    You can also visit our Facebook Page Here: and message us there. Or contact us via E-mail at beanstock2@gmail.com

I (we) are dedicated to produce healthy food for ourselves and our community while
Send me a message if you are interested and we can talk details
3 years ago
Dear L. Alkhattat,

I have 5 acres near a small town called Randle, WA. I am looking for help/Land Share I need help tending to a market Garden I plan to develop in the spring (2022) the property is divided up by a HI way so 1.5 acres in a grove of trees would work for a Yurt/RV, the useable farm land is on the other side of the HI way.

I would allow you to Plant anything you want for yourself or resale (within reason) probably 1-acre max. I would be developing raised beds for spring planting of various vegetables most likely ½ acre to 1 acre max.
The property is only minimally fenced and only on one side so if you wanted animals I would need to fence it. Finically I’m not sure that’s feasible for the 2022 season but may be possible for future seasons. If Interested contact me and we can discuss it further.
3 years ago

In reply to your questions:

Q: Is this property fully/partially treed?

A: It has some trees. It has some native cherry trees on the north line running east and west, as I mentioned in the ad, it has a wet/ wetland area that has some cottonwood, vining maple some fir trees and several maple. but of nothing of significance if you are thinking of harvesting timber for sale or use.

Q: Is it totally flat, or hills?

A: Yes it is totally Flat.  so in part that is good, but the drawback is that it is in a 100 year flood zone mostly because
of it's close proximately to the Cowlitz River. as a matter of fact the second year after I purchased it, it flooded and the again
the year after that.

Q: Do you know what it was used for in the past? (ie: recreation, homestead, vacant, etc)

A: the property was vacant when I purchased it. I has not been farmed since I Purchased it but
I can tell you no chemicals and or pesticides have ever been used if that is a concern to you.

Q:  And is this your property, or is this post for a friend/relative?

A: this is my property, it is free and clear title.

Q: Have you had any soil tests performed?

A: No, however but here is the soil profile from the us soil survey site.

Siler silt/Loam percentage 76%

Description of Siler
Landform: Flood plains, terraces
Typical profile
H1 - 0 to 6 inches: silt loam
H2 - 6 to 14 inches: silt loam
H3 - 14 to 21 inches: sand
H4 - 21 to 60 inches: stratified loamy sand to silt loam  
Elevation: 820 to 980 feet
Mean annual precipitation: 50 to 70 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 50 degrees F
Frost-free period: 125 to 175 days
Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland

Greenwater  Loamy sand

Percentage of greenwater 24% (on the West side of the Property)
Description of Greenwater
Landform: Terraces, flood plains
Parent material: Alluvium derived from andesite and pumice
Typical profile
H1 - 0 to 7 inches: loamy sand
H2 - 7 to 60 inches: sand
Elevation: 100 to 1,800 feet
Mean annual precipitation: 50 to 70 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 50 degrees F
Frost-free period: 130 to 170 days
Farmland classification: Prime farmland if irrigated

Q; is the well on the property, or is it just well access?

A: The well is on the property however it has not been  used but I plan to set up a well pump this season. as I stated, the conservative estimate is 35 GPM as tested my the well driller
Note: I dowsed the location of the well site before I had it drilled so I know it is the best location for this property

Q: Is this property capable of growing zone 8 anything, do you know from experience growing there, or just are guessing- since Lewis County is zone 8.

A: I have no personal experience yet, but here is the info from the usda https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/InteractiveMap.aspx
also of note I would say that at least 45% of western Washington is classified 8b

Plant Hardiness Zone Values

Zone: 8a

Avg. Temp (F) : 11.0

Range (F) : 10 to 15

Latitude : 46.5584

Longitude : -121.7186

here is a quote from a website urban Farmer (https://www.ufseeds.com/learning/planting-schedules/Zone-8-Planting-Calendar

Zone 8 has a long growing season with hot summers. Most vegetable varieties will have no problem maturing before your first frost date. With a last frost date of April 1st and first frost date of December 1st. These dates will vary a week or two so it’s important to watch the weather before planting. Annual minimum temperature for zone 8 is 15ºF.

Also of note, most of the property is on the North side of Hwy 12 but 1 acre is located on the south side
Thank you very much for your reply,
I purchased this piece in 1999 with the thought of
developing for future retirement,  but the company i
Work for declared bankruptcy in 2001 and with it my
Pension. Before that i was planning to retire there in 2018
But now looks like I'll have to work a few more years.
Also, being 2 hrs away from major medical facilities
Is a big concern for me as well. (I'm 59).
I've struggled with what to do with the property but like
You say, it needs to be fenced. I have some fencing and
Posts but i would need help and my son is just not interested
This is why I'm putting out there in hopes of finding  a
Person(s) who are looking into Permaculture without
The layout of funds to purchase property right off
The bat, that way, if it's not for them, then great no harm
No foul. But if they decide they like the lifestyle  then
Weather they decide to stay or move on to another
area, or discuss possible purchase is up to them.
5 years ago
I have 5.5 acres in Western Washington, Specifically, Eastern Part of Lewis County
The Property is approx. 5 miles from Randle Washington

Pros: excellent Soil can grow anything that will grow in zone 8. Property has a well that delivers 35GPM


Roaming herds of elk are like locusts-  they eat anything in their path. without protection, any crops you may plant will be destroyed
the property is not fenced and no power

Potential Renters/ lessees: Ideally I would like to have someone set up their RV for one season to see how it works out have a dog
for protection would be advisable. Terms would be negotiable. trade for fencing/development work considered.
Rental/Lease Terms would be renewed/Negotiated on a yearly basis no over wintering- would need to vacate property in November

Potential Buyers: quick claim deed, private sale with Attorney drawing up sale agreement Cash $75,000

If interested E-Mail me at beanstock2@gmail.com
5 years ago