In reply to your questions:
Q: Is this property fully/partially treed?
A: It has some trees. It has some native cherry trees on the north line running east and west, as I mentioned in the ad, it has a wet/ wetland area that has some cottonwood, vining maple some fir trees and several maple. but of nothing of significance if you are thinking of harvesting timber for sale or use.
Q: Is it totally flat, or hills?
A: Yes it is totally Flat. so in part that is good, but the drawback is that it is in a 100 year flood zone mostly because
of it's close proximately to the Cowlitz River. as a matter of fact the second year after I purchased it, it flooded and the again
the year after that.
Q: Do you know what it was used for in the past? (ie: recreation, homestead, vacant, etc)
A: the property was vacant when I purchased it. I has not been farmed since I Purchased it but
I can tell you no chemicals and or pesticides have ever been used if that is a concern to you.
Q: And is this your property, or is this post for a friend/relative?
A: this is my property, it is free and clear title.
Q: Have you had any soil tests performed?
A: No, however but here is the soil profile from the us soil survey site.
Siler silt/Loam percentage 76%
Description of Siler
Landform: Flood plains, terraces
Typical profile
H1 - 0 to 6 inches: silt loam
H2 - 6 to 14 inches: silt loam
H3 - 14 to 21 inches: sand
H4 - 21 to 60 inches: stratified loamy sand to silt loam
Elevation: 820 to 980 feet
Mean annual precipitation: 50 to 70 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 50 degrees F
Frost-free period: 125 to 175 days
Farmland classification: All areas are prime farmland
Greenwater Loamy sand
Percentage of greenwater 24% (on the West side of the Property)
Description of Greenwater
Landform: Terraces, flood plains
Parent material: Alluvium derived from andesite and pumice
Typical profile
H1 - 0 to 7 inches: loamy sand
H2 - 7 to 60 inches: sand
Elevation: 100 to 1,800 feet
Mean annual precipitation: 50 to 70 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 50 degrees F
Frost-free period: 130 to 170 days
Farmland classification: Prime farmland if irrigated
Q; is the well on the property, or is it just well access?
A: The well is on the property however it has not been used but I plan to set up a well pump this season. as I stated, the conservative estimate is 35 GPM as tested my the well driller
Note: I dowsed the location of the well site before I had it drilled so I know it is the best location for this property
Q: Is this property capable of growing zone 8 anything, do you know from experience growing there, or just are guessing- since Lewis County is zone 8.
A: I have no personal experience yet, but here is the info from the usda
also of note I would say that at least 45% of western Washington is classified 8b
Plant Hardiness Zone Values
Zone: 8a
Avg. Temp (F) : 11.0
Range (F) : 10 to 15
Latitude : 46.5584
Longitude : -121.7186
here is a quote from a website urban Farmer (
Zone 8 has a long growing season with hot summers. Most vegetable varieties will have no problem maturing before your first frost date. With a last frost date of April 1st and first frost date of December 1st. These dates will vary a week or two so it’s important to watch the weather before planting. Annual minimum temperature for zone 8 is 15ºF.
Also of note, most of the property is on the North side of Hwy 12 but 1 acre is located on the south side