Every season I enjoy trying something new to me. This year I'm growing
Malabar spinach: I've heard it's great, and I've heard terrible. I thought I'd give it a try. My family loves their veggies, so why not.
Swiss chard perpetual spinach: I grow Swiss chard, it grows year round here. It's pretty bitter in the summer heat, so I feed it to the chickens, they don't mind a bit. This is supposed to taste more like spinach, I can't wait.
Fennel: I'm not a big fan of licorice flavor, so have never tried it, but my daughter wants it, so it's on the list.
Tumeric: last year I struggled to grow ginger. All of YouTube says how easy it is to grow, but I had a very different experience. Finally at the end of the summer I got some to grow. I planted it in the center of a raised bed that had loofah, and a large tomato. It hardly got any sun, and seemed happy that way. In our intense heat, it seems it needs to be an understory plant. So I hope to actually get it to grow and I'm going to apply the same for tumeric.
The next list are not exactly new. Last year I tried and failed.
Moringa: I got it to late. It didn't get big enough to survive the winter. I will start them early in the spring, so it will be established, and maybe I can get it to survive the winter.
Butterfly pea: another "easy" on that didn't grow. Totally my fault. I built a raised bed with a trellis. I work for a co-op. We were cleaning the chick tanks, and I took the wood pellets from the tanks home for the compost. For some stupid reason I decided to put it in the beds. I'm pretty sure it was just to much because all the peas sprouted, and grew about 2" and that was it. I think poor soil, and planting to late so it was to hot kept them from growing.
Hyacinth beans: same as the butterfly pea. Bad soil and to late. I removed a bunch of the wood, and replaced it with compost. I hope this and the time to break down added a much earlier planting will make the difference.
Of course I'm always trying different varieties of tomatoes, peppers squash and melons.
What new plant are you trying? Maybe I'll add it to my list.