Hello Joe,
I have read your post three times. You are who i was convinced does not exist. You have intensely piqued my interest. Obviously i am curious as to whether your search for that unique companion is ongoing.
Being honest...since discovering this site i have yet to become familiar with it. I check in periodically to read posts. I will take this opportunity to assemble a few words, hit "submit", and hopefully they find you. Admittedly, i am not a writer and have to make time to read.
We share many similarities along with some delightful differences. I am not here to capture you, i simply feel a gravitational pull towards you. I too live a healthy lifestyle, am a fit 61yo, 5'2", have two independent children, watch no television, no drugs, lifelong nonsmoker, eat healthy, and choose fresh spring water as my drink of choice. I, up until my father passed, lived off grid in a tiny 400sq ft cabin i constructed primarily alone , minus the roof joists. I cut and split all my firewood to fit a small survival stove with an oven. I constructed a greenhouse, chicken coop/rabbit hutch, shed and amended poor soil to produce food that i canned in an outdoor kitchen. I bake my own bread, have made a simple cheese, my own soap, etc.
I do resonate with your desires to maintain a strong attachment to the earth. I long to live naturally, it just feels right. I am not religious, have no qualms about existing outside the norm. I am not a hippy, do not read my horoscope, dislike the system that has been imposed upon us, and have spent the better part of 8 years trying to place myself as far away from it as i can. I have had many challenges that have strengthened my character. I am not, at this point, looking to uproot as much as i am longing to communicate with someone of like mind. I currently find myself running short on free time these days as my garden is producing surprisingly well and i am trying to keep on top of it. Email maybe my communication tool of choice at this time. If you find yourself interested i would be tickled to pass along my email... i have yet to locate that feature.
Thank you for igniting my curiosity.
Amber V